The Inherited Obsession

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There was once a beautiful maiden loved by all, for she beauty's incarnate herself. Every gaze that fell upon her was instantly charmed by her beauty. 

Hearing such rumors sparked the interest of many suitors wanting and wishing to be her husband.

And so they did, many came to invite the beautiful maiden to be their wife. But she refused, stating that only the one meant for her was going to be her one and only husband.

Many nobles, princes, and even kings asked what they had to do in order to earn her favor.

The beautiful maiden only said one word which stumped all of them.

"The only one fit to be my husband is someone whose willing to look after me." said the beautiful maiden.

Of course, this anger many nobles, princes, and even kings as they could not figure out the cryptic message behind the beautiful maiden's words.

And thus, they resorted to claiming her by force. The beautiful maiden could only sigh in silence as she watched the nobles, princes, and kings wage war against one another in order to stake claim on the beautiful maiden.

Once over, the strongest kingdom took the maiden away and hid her in the innermost palace where the kings and his family only had the opportunity to gaze upon the beauty of the maiden.

But for one of the princes in the family of the king. He could no longer bear the thought of just gazing upon her beauty. And so, he forced himself upon the maiden and made a child with the maiden.

This anger the kings and the rest of the princes as they too wanted to have a child with the beautiful maiden. But due to their morality they did not force themselves upon the maiden as they had hoped to gain the love of the maiden through courting.

As for the princes that forced himself upon the maiden. He was tortured for days on end before being beheaded.

Months pasted as the belly of the beautiful maiden swell, signaling a life that now dwell inside the beautiful maiden.

At first, everyone had thought the maiden would be distress over the course of the event. But surprisingly, she was calm and collected as if expecting such outcome.

This came as a surprise to everyone, but decided to keep quiet as they thought this was some kind of coping measure that the beautiful maiden was doing.

And so came the promise date where the beautiful maiden gave birth.

Everyone had hoped the baby to be a girl as they thought that if the beautiful maiden was considering suiciding cause of the incidents before. They would at least have a clone of the beautiful maiden to groom and be their own.

Though of course, they would spend every effort to brainwash the little girl to be their perfect wife.

To most people, this would have seem sickening, disgusting, and even revolting to even consider.

But those who had landed their gaze upon such beauty like the beautiful maiden herself who resemble a goddess.

They wouldn't mind having a second clone of her to have for themselves.

But moving onward. 

Although the child birth by the beautiful maiden was indeed a girl. The child did not possess the same beauty and charm as her mother. 

Instead, the child looked like an abomination compared to her mother. It was as if the beautiful maiden had sleep with a monster and gave birth to this 'thing'.

This confused everyone as they knew that although the prince who forced himself upon the beautiful maiden was by no means the most handsome. He was at the very least good looking enough to past most men.

Various Female Yandere X Male Character / Male Reader (inconsistent update)Where stories live. Discover now