The Scar that cannot fade.

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People say that scars, pains , even painful memories fade with time. But those words are only those who are able to overcome the hardship and obtain their happiness. 

What happens when two great beings of equal powers once shared a deep bond that was once considered unbreakable now left in tatters.

This is a story of a great powerful queen who gave anything for power, including love. Let us see what decision she will make after finally obtaining everything she wanted.


Power, money, fame. Everything that I once desired has now become mine. I am now at the pinnacle of all beings. 

Respected by all.

Feared by all.

Loved by 'almost' all.

With a simple command from me. I can shake the very earth and raze countless countries into the ground with little to no repercussion. 

My followers all believed me to be the reincarnation of the holy goddess due to my power. But in truth, I am nothing more than a simple human with just a tad bit more power than most.

Now why am I listing out all my achievements like some grand prize?

Quite simple, I am here to tell those power hunger couples in the future that nothing is more important than the person who cherishes you.

No matter why, never forsake the love of one's blood, sweat, and tear that they shed for your sake.

All in all, what I want to say is that...

Don't be like me who sacrificed everything for the sake of power.

Most may find it quite hypocritical of me to be saying this. After all, wasn't I the one who turned on the one who loved me most and made him the villain?

And to that, I will accept without any strings attached.

I accept all my wrong doings and flaws.

But even if I do so...I fear that it may be too late for such redemption.

I fear that 'he' may never look my way again.

I fear that I may not longer be in his heart.

And though I do not blame him, as the fault completely resides with me.

I still cannot help but quietly shed tears over the fact that we never may be together again.

Whenever I met him, all I see now is nothing but a cold-gaping abyss in his eyes.

The warmth that once showered me unconditionally, now only stares at me with indifference.

It's as if I was nothing more than another human under his gaze.

No longer am I the flower that he once cherished and watered with care. 

Before, what I thought to be most scariest was his anger.

But now I know the truth, what scares me the most now is that I am no longer a person who he deems worthy to have even an once of relationship with.

Nor lover, nor best friends, not even the friends. 

All relationship now is nothing more than that of 'acquaintance' in his eyes.

It pains me, to see the one who I loved but yet so foolishly betrayed now only looks at me with little to no emotions.

But for now, I shall stop sulking in my room.

Because it is time to almost met him again. I must try my best to put on my best appearance for his sake even though he may no longer care.

Various Female Yandere X Male Character / Male Reader (inconsistent update)Where stories live. Discover now