Yandere Female Idol X Male Reader

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"Y/N are you planning to go to Kina's concert?"

"Do I have to?"

"Come on you two were practically like family back when you were still kids, why don't you go and cheer her on. I bet she would really appreciate it."

"*sigh* Fine....I'll gooo..."

I got on the computer in my room and started searching up the location of Kina's concert..

"Let's see...it's at XXXX and the time will be held at 9:00 p.m?"

After getting all the information down I bought my ticket, which was one of the far seated one. As for why I choose that seat, well let's say that I don't want to interfere with Alice's life too much. As I'm sure that if she sees me, then she will defiantly call me out in public.

She's always been a very kind person to random people and especially her friends and family. Which was one of the reasons why she was the top idol in the world. Some may say that an idol's friend or family are lucky for having her as your close friend. But, I digress as I'm scared of her...

She's too perfect....Almost as if she was a goddess who had everyone dancing on the palm of her hand. In school she was always the top number one and many guys from powerful family wanted to be with her.

I understand why all the guys at our school wanted to get close to her as she had everything you would want as your dream girl. Alice was smart, kind, and very beautiful. Which was why, I was afraid of her as everyone around her worship her as god, and I mean literally.

"Y/N hurry up and get your butt out of your room! Kina's concert is about to start soon!"

"Ooookayyy mmmooommm."

I wore a green t-shirt and a jean pants, while also grabbing a jacket along the way before heading out of my house. As I got out I saw that my mom was also outside waiting by the car.

"Your also going?"

"Of course! How could I ever miss Kina's concert"


I didn't say much and just got in the car and drove to the location of the concert. When we got there , I could see a huge line of people waitting to buy tickets, but since I already bought my online I didn't have to wait in line.

After finding my seat I just sat down and took a quick nap, as I waited for more to come and the show to start.


*Timeskip 10mins later*

"Ladies and Gentlemen I now present you the number one idol Kina!"

I woke up and found myself surrounded by people cheering for Kina who was now up on the stage. She began her first song, and I found myself already cheering with the surrounding group. It was almost as if I was being hypnotize and wanted to cheer her on forever...

*30mins later..*

After the concert ended I got up and was walking out of the building. But before I could get to my car I was stopped by two large black men.

"Uh...Can I help you?"


Both of the black suited man spoke in unity and with a low tone. I did as they told me, since I'm sure that even if I try to get back into my car I would be stopped before I could even pull out.

I followed them for a good ten minute walk before arriving at a small house. The location of the house was actually quite isolated, since I could barely see house around in this area. The two large black man stopped in front of the door step and opened the door. They then made a small hand gesture with a sharp 90 degree bow and told me to enter the house.

As I enter the house I immediately noticed that whenever I breathed in the air I felt a warm and calming sensation. It was almost as if I was falling asleep!?

*SFX* (Door slams shut. Door locked*


"Well, guess I'm dead!"

I ran around the house looking for any open windows, but all the windows had tall black men surrounding every window that I went to. It was almost as if I was in a zombie movie or something.

"Haaa....Might as well suck it up and see whose waiting..."

I went up to the second floor and saw one long hallway with only a door at the end like one of those horror movie and began to get chills.

"Definably a death flag."

Even so, I walked towards the door and grabed the handle. My heart began to quicken and my hands began to tremble, as I open the door and saw...

"Y/N, good to see you!"

"You too?"

In front of me was Kina in a red dark room, while laying down on the bed and wearing only a bra and panty. I guess this is like one of those scene where they seduce the target and later kill them. But I learn from movie mistake and make smart choices like jumping out the window!

"W-What are you doing?"


*Window Breaks from the second floor*

As I fell down I noticed one thing that I completely forgot. What do I do next after jumping out the window?

"I didn't think it through!!!!"

*falls onto a random bush*

"You know. I always hated plot armor. But this time I'm actually thankful for it this time. Thank you bush I will always remember your kindness."

"Your welcome."

Hm? When did Bush start talking?

"Cause I'm the one talking."

I looked towards the direction of the voice and saw Kina standing there practically naked.

"How did you get down here so fast!!"

"If you can have plot armor, then why can't I be in one of the plot twist?"


And so, after that Kina captured me and drugged me. She then told me that everything was part of her plan. The ticket that I bought and me jumping out the window was all part of her plan. Which was why they added that bush right there. But we later got married, and all the people who came to our wedding was all men in black suit that looked like the terminator...

Remember kids if people are too perfect, and without any flaws they are sure to have another side to them that's will surprise you.

[Y/N Signing out]

Various Female Yandere X Male Character / Male Reader (inconsistent update)Where stories live. Discover now