The Crests Holder (Part 2)

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"The Sunlight! Oh beautiful world!"

As soon as I left the beginner dungeon. I wandered around the area for a little bit. This is because I had totally forgotten the way back to town. But thankful I spotted a group of adventurer coming towards the beginner dungeon, and so I walked towards them.


I gave a big shout, while waving both of my hand into the air. At first the group seemed quite startled at my appearance before finally calming down once they noticed that I was human. 

"Hello sir?"

One man who I assumed to be the leader spoke out in place of his comrades.

"Do you know the way back to town? I'll uh kind of got lost."

"You mean WindVale town?"

What? Was there ever a town named that?

"Uh, y-yea!"

God I must look like an idiot right now.

"Well, if you walk down this road then you will eventually get there."

"Ah! Thank you!"

Walking down the road that the man pointed. I soon noticed that I was being followed. When turning around. I saw a young woman following me for some reason. She seemed to be with the group of adventure who I met not too long ago.

"Do you need something miss?"

"P-Please help us!"


standing there dumbstruck at what I heard. I only stared at her in awe and in confusion.

"Help us clear the first floor dungeon!"

Are you serious? It's just a beginner dungeon. How hard could it be. I even soloed it.

"The dungeon isn't that hard miss. I even cleared all the boss so you don't have to worry about it."

As the words flew out my mouth. The lady seemed somewhat shock at what I just said. But why?

"What do you mean beginner? This is the dungeon of madness. The hardest and dangerous one."

What? Hardest dungeon?

"Lady, you must not be feeling well. The dungeon that I came out of not too long wasn't even that hard. I mean sure it was time consuming, but you should still be able to do it."

"You don't understand! It wasn't like this before. This is the cause of demonic being who had infected the entire dungeon with incomparable madness!"

"Demonic being?"

Was there ever something like that?

"When did this happen?"

"About four months ago. It was said that a human body possessed by a demon is now roaming that dungeon and infecting the monster. Which is why their always in a enrage state."

Four months ago? Wasn't that the time when I been consume mad with rage? Are they talking about me? If they are...Oh to not get involved.

"I see. But I still decline."

"I'll even become one your crest!"


*Clenches teeth*

My heart began to pound once again as I started to remember fragments of why I even came here in the first place. It was because Sophia left me behind in order to become a part of Alex's Harem...

Various Female Yandere X Male Character / Male Reader (inconsistent update)Where stories live. Discover now