My Childhood Dilemma (Part 5)

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"I-If t-that is what you wish...Then I-I'll be with you...." Eva softly spoke with a depressing looking smile.

'Holy Cow', I thought to myself as I watched the awesome performance of Eva "playing" around with the two princes.

Someday, I too would like to be as smart and manipulative like Eva. 


Well, it's to hopefully one day achieve my dreams of finding my one true love!

I seen too many stupid amines where the protagonist acts too dense or too stupid which leads to the heroine being taken away from others!

Moving onward!

What I'm trying to get at is that I would like to have the ability to woe the girl of my dream and not be a complete idiot in terms of romance.

Honestly, if there is one thing that I'm super bad. It's honestly gonna have to be romance wise.

If it was me, I would probably keep chasing the girl of my dreams even if it kills me!

Why? Cause that's the only way I can think off!

I'm not that handsome, nor do I have any qualities that would spark an interest for a person to like me.

All I have is the will to keep chasing after the one I love even if it kills me!

......sounds stupid right?....

Yea.... I agree....

But, then again. Who knows if I'll even find her someday. Hell, I could even be a loner for life. I'll cross the bridge when I get there.

As of right now. I should focus on trying to learn this damn spatial magic in order to get away from Eva....

"N-no, please don't say that!" Luke said with hurried breathe.

"Please Eva! Don't make that face!" Samuel also said hurriedly

Both princes wanted the affection and love of Eva who was as beautiful as goddess herself. But they didn't want force affection like the maids and royal daughters of other high households.

What both of them wanted was unconditional love that they had not receive after the death of their mother who had left them at an early age.

From then on, they were faced with the harsh reality of the world that the world they once knew to be full of kindness and colorful was all but an illusion created by their kind mother.

In truth, everyone including the royal household wanted to make use of the two young princes and have them under their  control. But because of the queen who had shelter who two young sons from the cruelty of world. 

She was deemed a nuisance from the royal household and was later killed even with all the king's careful planning to keep his wife safe.

But at last, no matter how careful the king was. Just one tiny little mistakes was all it took for the queen to pass away.

Years passed and the two young princes slowly grew up. The older one become the general of their country while the shy younger one become a bookworm that delved into the wonders magics.

Both had thought that they would never find another person who would shower them in unconditional love again. That is until one day a group of heroes sent by the goddess were found.

At first they only accepted the task of guiding these new recruits with nothing more than obligation from their parts.

But that all began to change once an individual from the group of heroes, Eva began to talk to them.

Various Female Yandere X Male Character / Male Reader (inconsistent update)Where stories live. Discover now