Minor mistake.

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After finally finishing a good day of work. I got up from my desk and began quickly packing up my things to head home. But just before I went through the front door of my company's work place. My boss called me over.

"Y/N, do you know why I called you here today?"

"I don't believe so sir?"

"Well, I came here to say that your be getting a raise soon."

What's with the sudden generosity? My boss was never this nice to anyone at all...

"Thank you sir. May I know the reason why?" 

As I replied back to my boss. I began to feel this gut wrenching feeling alongside with a tint of rage. The only reason this could be the case if something had happened between my boss and my newlywed wife, Aiya.

Yes, they were both secretly having sex behind my back for a good month or more now. At first I cried for days during the night when Aiya wasn't watching or was asleep. The next week I began drinking more and leaving the house. But this only allowed my boss and my wife to spend more time together.

When I looked at the footage of the camera that I secretly stored around the house. To my disbelief, and horror. She actually called my boss to come over whenever I left the house. And to make matters worse.

Aiya even allowed my boss to do her raw. At that moment I wanted to rush over to my boss the next day and beat the living day light out of him.

But what would that accomplish? Temporarily satisfaction?

No, what I wanted more than that was to make both of them suffer ten fold the amount that brought on me. And to do that I needed money...

After that day I reverted back to the loving husband and spent more time with Aiya. And of course, she made up some *excauses* that her friend was calling her out to a late night hangout. But I of course already knew everyone and pretended not to know.

Which brings to the current present. Where all of sudden my boss decided to give me a raise.

"I heard that your married to your wife now for a good four months now correct?"

"Yes, sir."

My boss once again gave me a smile and patted my shoulder.

"Make sure you take good care of her. Especially during the night."

Ah, it seems he plans to impregnate her behind my back, huh?

Seems like I have to push my schedule a little early and get the divorce paper ready. I believe her period should start happening tomorrow. Then I suppose I'll get the paper by the end of today. The early the better. After all, I don't want to taking care of someone else kids...

"Haha. I'll keep that in mind boss."

I smiled back and began walking out the front door, and while doing so. My boss chuckle and waved goodbye. After that I glanced back and saw him pulling out a phone, while looking towards my direction with a huge, fat, and disgusting grin on his face.

"How predictable." As I quietly spoke with chuckle and smile.

My boss thinks he has everything under control, but in truth. I had everything under control. The only reason why I even played along was because I wanted to see  Aiya's face twist in horror and filled with guilt as I capture more evidence of her affairs with my boss.


After getting the divorce paper. I slowly walked back to my house with a smile on my face. I had already gotten everything that I wanted from those two. It's just a pity that I couldn't gather more, but I suppose twenty-three photos of them kissing, and thirty different videos of them making out was enough.

Various Female Yandere X Male Character / Male Reader (inconsistent update)Where stories live. Discover now