My Childhood Friend Dilemma (Part 4)

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[Class unlocked: Elementals Mage, High Class Mage, Mage Scholar. Please choose one of the following three choices.]

"Mage Scholar"

[Mage Scholar has been selected]

[Mage Scholar lvl 1]

+ 100 MP

+ 10 HP

+ Skill: Studying the law of ??? [One time use]

"Use skill: Studying the law of [Spatial magic]"

[Spatial Magic has now been unlocked]

+ 0% Spatial mastery

Awesome! I finally achieve the first step of my plan! 

After about a month since we came the kingdom of Ashwell. I finally mastered the mage class by reading the past experiences of mages.

Not only that, I also was able to decide which class advancement I wanted next and how to get them.

As the only way to unlock other classes related to my field was to either carve out a path of my own or follow the path of others. And this all starts after maxing out your mage class to level 10 which is it's cap.

After which, you are given either the options to continue making the class stronger or going down a new path depending on your prior experiences and knowledge so far. 

But in my case, I wasn't exactly your smartest guy, so I choose a path that would best fit me!

Mage Scholar. A class that allows one to carve out new path in the field of knowledge by understanding the law behind the magic itself.

And so, I choose Magic Scholar which allowed me to study the law of space. 

The reason why I wanted to learn spatial magic was to one day be able to create my very own portal to go back home. I had no faith in the fact that the goddess would even keep her end of the bargain by returning us home after cleaning up her mess.

Anyway, even if I couldn't create a portal due to the enormous amount of mana that it would take. I could at the very least be able to escape any situation by teleporting out of any sticky situation.

'Although in truth I guess being able to teleport away from Eva was one of the major reasons why I picked this class...'

A-Anyways! Back to learning Spatial magic. Let's see, how does space work?




+ 0.05% Spatial Mastery

Fuck.....I'm starting to regret making this! I must do this!

For the sake of getting away from Eva!

Again! Even if I don't understand it! I'll keep going at it until I learn it!

"Kess? What are you doing here?" A voiced called out from behind me.

"Hm? Ah, Princess Lunaria, sorry for not noticing you earlier." Turning around I saw Princess Luna staring at me awkwardly.

Damn, how long as she been standing? What a creep....

"Was I interrupting you?" Luna smiled sweetly as she spoke.

"No, no. I was just about done. (You definitely interrupted me you creep)" I replied with the sweetest smile I could muster all the while feeling quite annoyed at her.

"Oh, then do you want to walk around for a bit-" Before Luna could continue saying whatever she was trying to say. She was immediately interrupted by a couple of my male classmates who spotted her.

Various Female Yandere X Male Character / Male Reader (inconsistent update)Where stories live. Discover now