The Burnt Beauty (Part 1)

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"Stop trying to play with us!" 

"Yea! you freak!"

"We don't want to play with you!"

A group of children expressed their displeasure towards another child similar to their age.

The child that was being outcast by all the other children was a small fragile girl.

"B-but...I don't want alone..." The girl mumble back quietly as she looked towards the ground, as small droplets of tear dripped onto the ground.

Seeing that the girl was already in the process of crying. The group of children only click their tongue in disgust before warning her one more time to not play with them, before running away in a attempt to avoid dealing with the crying girl.

"hic....hic..." The crying girl sob quietly to herself as she buried her face into her knees.

Laughter and playful voices were heard from afar, which drowned out the quiet sob of a the girl.

'It's always like this...' The girl thought to herself, while wiping away the endless streams of tears.

Once again, the girl found herself alone and unwanted.

And once again, the girl found herself helplessly crying.

Days like these were but a common occurrence to the young girl. 

After all, who would want to play with a grotesques child such as her?

Who would want to even touch the burnt scars which covered almost 80% of her body.

Her face, which was half burnt was already digusting to look at.

As for her body, no one even dare entertain the thought of even being in the same bath as her.

The burnt scars of which the girl bore could already make even grown men shudder in disgust.

Thanks to this, the girl could only play by herself as even the worker at the orphanage where the girl stayed was frighten by the girl's appearance.

'It's all because of my looks!' The girl pounded the dirt as tears flowed down.

The anguish and rejection that the girl faced everyday was heart wrenching.

But even so, the girl still hoped that one day.

Someone would accept her and play with her-no...

Even just being next to her would bring the girl the greatest joy she could ever hope.

Which was why she constantly pray everything night that someone in the world would finally accept her for who she is and not be disgusted by her appearance.


Months pasted and the girl found herself once again alone.

But this time, the girl was shivering in anticipation.

After all, today would be the day when two new kids would join the orphanage.

And if the girl was lucky enough, then she would make two friends!

No, even one friend was enough for the girl!

And so, the girl waited and waited.

When the fateful moment came, the two kids that arrived was a handsome blonde boy with sky blue eyes.

Seeing that, the girl was fascinated by the looks of the handsome blond boy as his appearance looked like he was a kind boy.

'He looks so kind...'

Various Female Yandere X Male Character / Male Reader (inconsistent update)Where stories live. Discover now