Mine Alone. Mine Forever.

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Throughout my whole life. I always had a hard time making friends.

Whether that be a male or a female friend. All of them seemly just drift away from me.

It wasn't like we had anything against each other. In fact, we hit it off quite well.

But for some reason, everyone just seems to drift away from me.

Which was why I was pretty much a loner for my entire middle school and high school life.

No one wanted to play with me or hang out with me.

Of course, it wasn't because they didn't like me.

Instead, they just rather hang out with other people who clicked with them more.

'Oh well' was my thought about the situation.

After all, high school was just high school. 

I still had college life to look forward to.

But strangely enough, when I got to college and began making friends. They too all started to drift away from me.

Although I suppose it was probably due to our class schedule.

'Great' I thought before simply just focusing on my homework and future exams.

And just like that, four years past and no new friends were made.

Honestly, at this point, I was really beginning to think that perhaps I was the problem.

But I just couldn't find the reasons as to why.

I made sure to make time to hang out with friends.

When special events came out, I invited them.

Heck, even holidays like valentines' day I even gifted all my friends candies.

And yes, I understand that its usually a day where couples give each other chocolate to show their love.

But to me, I just wanted to express my good will to my friends even if I didn't have any actually feelings for them.

But regardless of the matter, everyone seem to drift away.

'I suppose everyone has their own path. I guess my just doesn't align with theirs.' was my conclusion.

A sense of resignation came over me, but I accepted it and moved on.

After getting my bachelor degree in IST. I soon started looking for a job.

After about a month or so, I finally landed in a job that I found quite suitable.

It was a job that concerned about fixing computers and other tech related things.

Was it enjoyable? For the first month it was. But it soon got boring.

Was it hard? No, but it sure was mundane.

Was the pay good? For sure, in tech related field. The salary being paid in these fields are much higher than your usual job.

This is mainly due to the fact that technology is evolving to the point that almost everyone is using it nowadays.

Kids, teens, adults, and even elderly are using fancy technology.

Which was why having people like who is able to fix and troubleshoot things like these are quite handy to have.

Anyways, I have a pretty good life.

Well, aside from the lack of friends of course.

But I suppose this is both a blessing and a curse.

Various Female Yandere X Male Character / Male Reader (inconsistent update)Where stories live. Discover now