The Captive "demon vessel" (Teaser 80% fniished)

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A tale told by many was the story of the Seven Seals. Which guarded the most evil thing in the world. But these seals weren't inanimate objects. Instead, they were people who held immense power during the Chaotic era.

The story known by many was that of the seven holy warriors that fought for the fate of humanity. The enemy they were against were spawns of "demons" from another realm of existence. 

And although the "demons" were strong. They were no match for the seven holy warriors who tore through the hordes of "demons" before reaching the "demon king". When finally facing the "demon king". The seven holy warriors knew that defeating the "demon king" was going to be no easy task.

But even so, the warriors charged forward and traded blow for blow with the demon king. Before finally defeating the demon king. But because of the strong vitality that the demon king held within his body. He was instead split into seven pieces by the seven holy warriors. After which an oath was made to the public of humanity that whoever dared to trespass into "Demon king's tomb" would face punishment by death. Which would be carried out personally by the seven holy warrior.

As such, times went on and everyone heed the word and warning of the seven holy warrior. After which the home of the seven holy warriors were relocated to surround the demon king's tomb in order to prevent anyone from entering aside from the Seven holy warriors whose duty was to reinforce the seals set by them.

Thus everyone lived happily ever foolish...



How long have I been stuck here for? days? weeks? months? no, perhaps years...

I don't I don't want to remember...

But even so, THEY force me to...

My of them....all powerful warriors...who have kept me captive...

The first - Amber the war god

The second - Pearl the angel

The third - Lisa the shadow

The fourth - Reina the wall of humanity

The fifth - Mina the lord of magic

The sixth - Yuna the forest druid

The seventh - Lucy the hope/hero could it have come to this....

All I ever wanted was to help those in need and die bravely on the battlefield while protecting the lives of other. I never wanted immortality nor power. All I wanted was to protect those who I cherished. After all, I simply nothing more than a mortal who knew how to fight. And that's pretty much my only worth...

Although...clearly...They...don't think so....


Before charging towards the demon's king castle. The seven of them were given both a blessing and somewhat of a curse.

The blessing was the increased power in their own individual field of strength. Although the curse was the significant increase in emotion and desire that they held within their heart. The more they used the blessing to strengthen themselves. The easier it would be for them to lose their sense of self.

It was a way to increase their power through the use of emotions. But because of the drawback that come with such power. The people came up with the idea to give these blessed warriors "Seals" to prevent them from going out of control. Which then brought myself alongside a few others into the picture where we were suppose to take care of the small fry and conserve the strength of our individual holy warrior.

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