Sister Female Hero X Male Reader

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My name's Y/N and I'm what you would call a "mob character", but my sister Linda is a "hero".

Yea and because she's a hero it turns out that she stands in the spotlight a lot.

Not only is she pretty and talented, but she loves her own brother way to much. That would mean me of course, but I of course is not into incest.

Well, I think it's better to just explain the main detail of what happen.


(Lindy):" Big brother please marry me!"


Linda face turned ugly as she heard my response and only stared at me with a intense glare as asking me what I was doing.


(Y/N):"well to be frank I'm not really into my own sister plus, I kinda dislike incest sorry Linda."

I walked away from my wooden house and opened my door leading outside. But as I was walking a couple feet away from the house I heard my sister crying behind me with tears streaming down her face.

(Y/N): "there should be many suitable man out there for you Linda, I'm not the only one."

With my last words I walked out the Fancy marble house and began to descend down my sister private mountain.

(Linda): "But....I only want you big brother...."

Crying alone in her home as she planned a truly "lovely" plan for both her "big brother" and "her". Her eyes seemed dim with no light shining on them as they once had. But eyes filled with madness and infuriating with her big brother.
*Next Week*

I woke up to the sound of banging on my door and I opened up to see tons of guards. But what mostly surprised me was a wedding carriage sitting right outside of my wooden house.

(Y/N): "Umm...Sir what is this about?"

(???): " We have been ordered to bring you to your Hero's wedding!"

It seemed that my sister really have found someone. I guess I should get ready to congratulate her huh.

(Guards): " Also Sir can you please wear a suit in order to look more formal at your sister wedding?"

(Y/N): "ah yes your right let go change quickly and I will come out."

After I got ready I rode to Linda's wedding and step outside. I open the door to greet my beautiful little sister who was about to get married, but no one was here just me and Linda.

"Hmm? Ah!...Big....Brother!!"

Linda dashed down the stairs as her white wedding dress flutter behind her, and her beautiful long blonde hair reaching to her back dance behind her. After getting close enough to me she jumped into my arm , but what came next shocked me to the very core. She kissed me with such force and held me so tight I couldn't even pry her off. But she stop, that noticing that I was running out of breath.

(Linda): " Big brother we're going to get married!"

(Y/N): "wait...what did you just?!"

I wanted to run of there now, but Linda only needed to snap her finger and the door closed shut and she began to inch her face closer and closer to me.

(Linda): "See honey your little sister has become pretty just for you, and I even defeated the demon king just for you, aren't you proud of me?"

Her eyes lost the light that they once held and her voice grow raspy as she pinned me on the door and began to sniff my scent in order to fill her sick lust for me. I tried to moved ,but she kept a from hold onto my body and pushed me even more against the wall and began to grind her chest against me.

(Linda): "Honey do you see how much I grown now, and not only that I'm old enough now to carry a child. But the only child I want is yours not some stuck up prince, just only you to fertilizer my womb."

Linda grabbed my right arm and forced it to grab on her soft light tanned breast which were barely covered by her wedding dress.

(Linda): "You see this Darling this mean I can breastfeed our baby and I can do it to you to if you want, but I also know how much you love big breast so I tried to find ways to make them big just for you."

After saying that she kissed me again and knocked me out and later I woke up to a bed chained up with one of Linda's arm. now I can never be separated from her.....Please help me...

Various Female Yandere X Male Character / Male Reader (inconsistent update)Where stories live. Discover now