Female high vampire X male reader Part 2

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After the incident with the high vampire I fled to another town that's was about 3 miles away from my original town. Now most people would be like "How come your such pussy?" or "Dang dude why don't you just make that high vampire your wife?" 

Well if only you know how scary vampire are when they are searching for their prey. Not only did I disrespect a high vampire I even fucked her and came in her. Oh lord hopeful her family doesn't send like 20 vampires at me. 

That's the reason why I ran away, since I knew that if she ever told her family about this. Then I'm sure I will be hunted down for the rest of my life. Well I guess that's the sum of what happen in the past few week. As of now I'm currently taking shelter in the eleven forest. Why did I stay there you may ask? 

Well, the elves around here don't really take outside kindly including humans. But, since I tamed a fairy they were okay with me. As they knew that whoever the fairy decides to follow are always kind hearted people. Which meant that I would be safe here from all harm including evil human or even vampires!

"Welcome to our village stranger!"

"Hey, there the names Y/N pleasure to meet you!"

After greeting for about half the people in the village I was already getting tired so I ask if there were any spare rooms that I could use to rest. They gladly accepted my request and brought me to my room and even asked to see if I was willing to stay. I ponder about the decision for a bit, and later nod my head as a sign that I was going to be staying with them for a while.

The people around here were actually quite nice. But, I guess this was only due to me having a fairy. Which either way I didn't mind as a few days later I used to living here, and even met the queen of the elves. She was quite a beauty, and many may even want to kidnap her to just make her their wives. But for me I had a fear of beautiful women, as I know the order of events of what will happen.

Pretty lady with her boyfriend ----> Pretty lady getting kidnap by bandits -----> Hero comes in and save the pretty lady ----> They both fall in love and happy ending.

I seen a fair amount of this situation already happen, so I rather avoid getting involve with any hero stuff. As I'm not too good with ladies. I'm not sure why, but I just find that people with high status just gives me cold shivers. 

"Hello, Queen of the elves. May I request to see if I can stay in your humble village?"

"Gladly. In fact you can even stay in my palace if you want." (Queen)

 I don't like where this is going...

" I'm sorry if I offend you, but I rather stay in a humble home as that if my nature, and would give me most comfort."

"I see..." (Queen)

Why is your head looking gloomy and why are you trying so hard to keep me near you?! 

I already got one debt that I haven't repay yet, and now your trying to make me do another one? No way am I ever getting into a relationship with you. If I do I'm have my ass being targeted by both elves and vampire everyday!

I quickly got out of there and began to move all the stuff that I had in my space ring and into my new home. It was nice as it looked similar to my old house. But as I was unpacking everything I suddenly got chills from all over my body.

"W-What was that? Hopeful It's bad that it doesn't concern me..."

??? POV

"But, father why can't I fall in love with him!?"

"Child, we are two different races. There is no way that a human would ever fall in love with another race!"

As of right now two high vampire are arguing with each other. One was sitting on a throne, while the other was on the red carpet barely holding in her anger.

Various Female Yandere X Male Character / Male Reader (inconsistent update)Where stories live. Discover now