My Neighboring Goddess (part 2)

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"Damn. Who knew that hunting monster would be so tiresome?"

*Lean back against a wall.*

Leaning back against on the wall I began to think about my next move.

"Let's see. I killed about five monster so far. Now, should I head back or should I keep going?"

Of course my choice was...

"Let's go back."

You think I was going to be like some kind of main character and keep going? Hell no!

*Walking back the same direction where I came from.*

"Now that I think about. Why do I know the way back?"

It was as if a map had drawn out as I slowly kept exploring. But how?

"Whatever. I'll ask that kid when I get back."

Returns Back.

"Y/N! Your back!"

A kid who looked no older than a six year old came running at me.

"I'm back."

Opening my arms I received the hug from the kid, while trying to look tough. But honestly I just wanted to sit down and rest, since I was both physically and mentally fatigue from fighting monster.

"Y/N guess what happen!"

"Hm? What happened?"

"I remember my name!"

"Oh really? When was this?"

"Just about a few minutes before you came back!"

A few minutes. Surely that must mean that the monsters that I killed are being absorbed by this kid. At first I thought she was just joking...

"So tell me. What is your name?"

"It's Sylvia!"

Sylvia... Why does it sound so familiar?

"What a nice name."


*Pats Sylvia's head*

"Alright I'm go rest now okay?"

"Oh! Then can I sleep on your arm?!"

What an energetic child. (Smile)



I went over to one of the wall within the room and laid down on the ground. Sylvia also did the same, and placed her head right on top of my left arm that was extended out.

So tired.....

*Falls asleep*

Few Hours later.

[Injuries and fatigue have been recovered.]  


Waking up I noticed that all my injuries and fatigue had gone away. It was like as if I never even had it in the first place.

"Seems like a good rest was all I needed."

*Tries to lift left arm.*

"Hmm? Oh.."

When I tired lifting both of my arms to push myself up. I felt some kind of weight that held down on my left arm. Turning over I saw Sylvia was now waking up.

"Sorry did I wake you up?"

"It's okay. I was just waking up too."

As Sylvia got off my left arm. I stood up and dusted off any rocks that may had stuck onto my clothes.

Various Female Yandere X Male Character / Male Reader (inconsistent update)Where stories live. Discover now