My Childhood Friend Dilemma (Part 3)

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Ever since the class advancement from Eva's class turning into the saint. 

Everyone soon began following her like a pack of hyena ready to bite anyone that would dare to harm her.

Why? Well simple, it was because she had the skill "Blessing of the Saint" which allowed anyone within her proximity to receive a direct increase of 20% to all stats.

Now to some, a 20% increase in stats may sound small. But when placed in a scenario where even a small sudden burst of power could turn the tides of the battle. That itself made the skill a hidden trump card when catching enemy off guard.

And it was especially useful when battling against monster, as the blessing had no duration at all. The only limitation was that for the skill to be in effect, you would need to be within the area range of the saint herself.

Of course, even after knowing this. It still didn't change the fact that Eva's safety was still the highest priority. In fact, it just solidify her importance to the class even more....


Seriously, I really don't know what the hell the goddess was thinking when making Eva's class into the saint. And worse, Eva is really good at playing the pitiful maiden role. Not only that, she was also an extremely intelligent schemer....

But worse of all....

"Kess! Come over here! I need you to look after my things while I take a bath!" Shouted Eva while waving her hand to beckon me towards her.

'She keeps dragging me down with her....' was my internal thought as I began walking towards Eva.

And again, I do not hate her or resent her in any way shape or form. Quite the opposite, as I was completely and utterly terrified of Eva, because I knew what she was capable off. Although Eva may look, and act like a saint on the outside.

On the inside however, 'Eva doesn't come close to being a saint at all.' I internally thought to myself.

*Sigh* 'I wanna go home....'






A few weeks have already gone by and we finally finished conquering the three small dungeons before finally making the final push towards the boss den that connected all of the three small dungeons.

The fight went horribly as everyone was still getting used facing monsters head on. And to top it off on that. The boss that we went up against was an enormous snake. That day, we lost about ten of our classmate to that enormous snake before finally putting it down.

The emotions I felt after knowing the lost that we incur that day was nothing more than a sigh of resignation in face of the reality that we were in.

It wasn't that I didn't feel sorry for them. I did, but it wouldn't bring them back to life. The only thing I can do now is to get stronger in order to cover even more mistakes that I know my classmates would make that would cost them their life....

As for Eva?

"Kess." Eva walked over to me and called my mine.

"Yea?" I responded.

"How are you doing? Any injuries?" Eva asked with concern.

Injuries? How do you expect me to have any injuries at all? I was in the backline with you the whole time!

Instead! You should be running towards the frontline and asking the frontliner that questions!

"I'm okay, but I think you should check on our "meat shield" before someone starts questioning you." I responded to her questions.

Various Female Yandere X Male Character / Male Reader (inconsistent update)Where stories live. Discover now