Minor Mistake (Part 3)

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Years later...

"Phantom squad! Assemble!" 

A tone that has a striking resembling of an army sergeant cried out. The source of that voice came from a scar face looking man. His name was Scot, and he was veteran assassin. That specialize in killing, but that only when he accepted any shady jobs. On the surface, people only know him as a first rate bodyguard and that was pretty much it.

"Here!" (Dozens of people)

"Here!" (Y/N)

As of now, I'm apart of this group. And, as for how I got into it well, that's a story for another time. Right now, we just received a high paying mission and our boss, Scot was going to pick out some men to bring along with him.

Oh, did I forget to mention that he's also the leader of a squad of trained bodyguard?

Well, now you know...

Anyways, back to the point. Scot, just received an email from one of his many employees that we needed to guard a certain someone, while a marriage is going on.

I was one of the few that he picked, even through I joined much later than everyone else. The reason was that I had the certain talent in blackmailing that no one in our group had, and I was a very good negotiator if need be.

Our group called "Phantom" currently had only about twenty people. And now, eight of them including me was going to leave for a mission selected by our boss. As for the other. Their job was to keep the base safe and hidden from the any potential threat that could stumble into our hideout.

"Pack your bags within an hour. We're going to XXXX. Bring the things that you think will be useful on this mission."


Though I surprise. I didn't let it show on my face too much.


The location of our destination was going to be the same place where I first left my journey in order to better myself as a man and my influence. And now, I'm returning back to where it all started..

I wonder how she's been? Has she found a good husband yet? Hopefully she happy now...




Aiya's POV

"Madame. The marriage is underway."

A male voice was heard from behind and me. And I spun around my chair in order to greet the person in front of me.

"Great, and I suppose that you have the contract ready?"


The man in front of me handed my a paper and I scanned the content of it.

"Good, it seems like he wasn't all that useless after all."

The person who I was referring to was the son of a wealthy and powerful man in the public. Whatever he said in the public whether it be bad or good. Everything always worked out for him in the end. As I took care of all the assassin and hacker that tried to harmed him. 

In exchanged, he would give me a portion of the city. As for how it works? Well, it's not all that important. I won't bore you with the detail.

All you need to know is that this marriage is a way to trick the public eye, since it would be too suspicious if he was to give a random person a portion of the city to look after. Which was why we both came to the conclusion that this was the best way for my reward to come to me "Legally."

Various Female Yandere X Male Character / Male Reader (inconsistent update)Where stories live. Discover now