The One Who Calls Us

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"When will you come back?" Asked the first silhouette.

"Will you take a long time?" Asked the second silhouette.

"Tsu, Ama. I will definitely come back."

The Three individual spoke for some more before the third individual facing Tsu and Ama turned his back away from them and began walking towards a direction.




"Kai! Wake up! How can you still be asleep?" A women in her mid thirty screamed as she opened the door leading to her son's room.

Her son, kai was still asleep peacefully as if without a care in the world. But it was soon broken by the scream of his mother jotting Kai awake from his slumber.

"W-wha?" Kai spoke groggy as he tried to make sense of the situation he was in.

"Today's the day you and the other kids make their first shikigami contract!" Screamed his mother as she sigh at the sight of her son and wondered how he could forgot such an important day.

For the first few minute Kai was still in a state of grogginess. But as soon as he heard the word "Shikigami contract". He immediately went into full panic mood.

"Crap! What time is it?!" Kai asked as he eyes immediately shot wide awake.

"8:00 am. You got 2 hours till they start prepping the summoning circle." His mother spoke with sigh of resignation before deciding that she should help her son prepare himself.

Hearing what his mother said. Kai immediately began to preparing by taking a shower, eating his morning meal, and finally choosing an appropriate clothing to attend the summoning ceremony.

This all took close to an hour before Kai immediately ran outside the house while bidding his mother goodbye.

"I'm off!" Kai said as she sprinted outside the house leaving sounds of hurried steps.

"Come back soon! Also be safe out there!" Replied Kai's mother.

With that, Kai dashed out and began to sprint towards his destination.

'Sacred Union' , a place where both spirits and humans meet each other and become partners through the use of a contract between the two party.

Once arrived, Kai checked his watch.

9:50 AM.

'Alright still got some time left before it starts. But let's first get in line.' Thought Kai as he approached the location but was suddenly stopped by a shikigami spirit.

"Identification." Spoke a voice which caught Kai's attention.

Turing his head. Kai spotted a middle age man who was smoking a cigar.

"Where's your identification kid. You know you can't enter the Scared Union without one." Said the man as he took another breathe of his cigar.

A sense of dread overcame Kai as he immediately knew that he had totally forgotten his identification card. But even so, he still searched his pockets praying that it was there.

Fumbling around, Kai searched his pockets for a bit before feeling a small metallic card.

'Thank goodness, mom must have slipped it into my pant's pocket while I was showering.'

"Here." Kai showed his Identification to the man.

"Hm? Oh, so this is your first time contracting a shikigami?" The man smirked as he looked over the info on the card.

Various Female Yandere X Male Character / Male Reader (inconsistent update)Where stories live. Discover now