Male Gamer X Goddess (Part 2)

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Yes, in front of me were a bunch of notification sent from the one and only annoying Goddess. If honestly speaking. I am beyond belief at how much will power she has to keep texting me for days on ends. 

It almost reminds me of someone....


At the moment I shouted towards the sky hoping my voice will reach her. I wanted nothing more than to stop the dinging that was appearing in my notification status bar. Then a miracle happened.

[Due the Goddess constant texting. The option to mute her will now appear.]


[In exchange you will be her apostle.]

"How about no?"

[Then the only solution to this problem is to make a deal with her.]

"But how?!"

[I will create a voice channel where you and the goddess will be able to communicate with each other. Also this will be permanent.]

"Wait, but aren't you technically showing special treatment towards me? I am aren't you just a monotone system?"

[At first the goddess begged me to let her talk to you directly. But, that cannot happen as it will upset the world balance.]

"Okay then why are you telling me this then?"

[Just now I have receive your consent in talking to her. Thus I will open the connection.]

" WHEN?!"

[.......Man I'm just system bro. I have to look over thousands of other people too. But, because of your stupid idea to keep doing the same quest over and over. The goddess now has taken a liking to you and has been bugging me non-stop. You think your the only one who has to deal with the constant nagging with the goddess? FUCK NO. I too have to deal with it, since I to have to process every fucking little word that she writes to you.]


After the angry rant of the system, which seem more human to me I was just stunned speechless. Damn I guess he had it even worse....

[Now, your be doing me a huge favor by talking to her and making a deal, since I also don't want to be processing her ten to twenty pages of message to you okay? It takes a while, since she's a diving being and divine language takes a huge toll on me to just translate.]

The system soon went quiet after his message, and was instead replace with a beauty female voice that seemed out of the world.

"H-Hello? Are you Y/N?"


"Hmm? Did he make mistake?"

"Yea h-"

[If you cause me anymore trouble. I will literally abuse my power and teleport you to her...]


[look, I don't want to do just much as you do. But she is really sapling my energy away to just text you. Also if you bring another fast one, I will teleport you to her. Remember that...]

Since when does the system start threatening you?!

"Hmph! That system is really going to get it! How dare he make me look like a fool!!"

Various Female Yandere X Male Character / Male Reader (inconsistent update)Where stories live. Discover now