Female Slave? X Male Master Part 2

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It's about 2 years already, since leaving Kina. I have to say it's been pretty good, and not too long ago I just assassinated a corrupted general earning me tons of cash. Not that I already had millions of cash. Though I do wonder, how is Kina doing so far?

[Kina's View 2 years ago]


"Master left me, because I wasn't good enough wahh!!!!"

Now I won't be able to secretly watch Master's sleeping face, or peak on him when he's showing....

"No, master promise me that if I was able to help the hero complete his mission. Then he'll come back to me!"

After sobbing for about an hour I finally motivated myself to start gathering info on when or where the hero was going to be summoned at. It was actually quite easy, since all I had to do was ask the person in the underworld where the hero was going to be summoned. I guess it's also because I was number one in the ranking of Assassins. Though I never told master, since I'll he will for sure leave me in order to train.

And so I made two titles for myself.

-Blossom of Death (Rank 4 on leaderboard)

-Silent Mist (Rank 1 on leaderboard)

"Well, I suppose it's time to fulfill master's task for me. Then after I finish it I'll ask him to give me his baby. As a reward and punishment for leaving me."

It was about a week of traveling before reaching my destination. Where I was told that the hero would be summoned. But, of course I didn't just laze around, while waiting for the hero to be summoned. In fact I already planned everything out of what would happen, and how the demon king would be defeated.

This of course was as easy as snapping my fingers, since I now control the entire underworld, and including all powerful figures that are within it. The last boss of the underworld was already dead, since he tried to take me away from master, and so I made him disappear(literally).

After another month the hero had been summoned and he of course choose me to be his companion like I arranged it. His looks were above average, though not as good as master. But I do admit his skills in combat were pretty decent, and even force to me to use five percent of my true strength. Though it wasn't strange for him to be powerful, since he is after all a hero.

[Timeskip defeating the demon king?]

The hero and I breached the demon king's castle and slaughter all of his followers. Then we came face to face with the demon king, which we of course defeated him very easily, since this was all within my plan.

As we reported the death of the demon king. The hero suddenly proposed to me. Which of course made me want to rip him in two, since my body and soul is only for master. But, I controlled my emotion and reluctantly accepted it.

After all I need a way to somehow bait master to meeting me again, and what better way to do that then through marriage, and asking him to be my best man(husband)

[Present(Y/N's View)]

After my mission was over I went back to my base, and found that a letter was waiting for me.

[Letter's Content]

                        Dear, Master

Kina is getting married to the hero, and hopes that you come and give us your blessing...

(Kiss mark)

P.S: It will be held on XX/XX/XX and the location will be at XXXXX

(Sakura Blossom's Signature)

[End of Content letter]

After reading the letter I was too shocked at what was happening. 

Kina is getting married? Does that mean she won't cling onto me anymore!?

"well, I guess I better give them my blessing huh?"

[Timeskip Kina's Wedding]

On the stage I saw Kina, and the hero wearing their wedding attire and staring at each other, while the pope was giving a very long speech about faithfulness and random crap that I didn't even care.

Then came the moment where both of them were going to kiss, but as they were about to make lip contact. Kina faced her attention towards my way and made a very chilling smile that made me want to get out of their, since I felt something was off...

Kina then said in a loud voice.

"Master! Do you like my gift?!"


"Me of course! As your wife!"

After saying that everyone in the room including the hero fell to the ground. Everyone expect me and Kina.

"Did you add sleeping gas?"

"Oh don't sweat the small detail and let's hurry up and get married!"

I got up from my seat and began to start running towards the exit, but Kina somehow already caught up to me and held me down on the  ground. She then began to strip off her wedding dress and also stripping me.

"Now Impregnate me!"

"I knew something was wrong!!!!!!"

Y/N signing out....

Author Note: Sorry it took a while for it to come out. I been pretty busying with school lately and haven't had time to write. Also I wasn't sure on how I wanted it to end it, so I'll leave it off with this for now.

Various Female Yandere X Male Character / Male Reader (inconsistent update)Where stories live. Discover now