The Spirit Within

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Here is a little backstory about me and how I came to be the man who I am today.

During my childhood times, I lived in a remote village. I was happy and content with what I had at that time. But, it all washed away as soon as my village was raided. Not by monster, but by those damn corrupted nobles. They brutally killed all the men in the village, while the women were raped without consent. As for children, we were put into cages and sent to a god forsaken camp.

In the camp we were forced to learn the harsh and cruel truth of the world. Many of the children including myself cried in denial. But in the end, we were once again forced to accept the fact that this was no dream. Thus, began the torturous six years of learning the art of killing.....

When the time of our graduation came, only eight of us remained. But, we still had one more test that we needed to do before we were finally done. The words spoken by our instructor that still brings unspeakable anger to me till this day.

"Kill Y/N if you want to live."

At first I was confused, and was still processing the words spoken by the instructor. But, I had no time as my sixth sense soon felt that danger was coming for me. I dodge in time and saw that all seven of my comrades had their dagger held in their hand aiming straight for me.


I screamed in anger and in disbelief at what I was seeing. My comrades who had suffer this inhumane treatment alongside with me, was now trying to kill me. But why?!

"It's because we want to live."

One of them spoke up, while the others nod in agreement. Their words and agreement were like a sharp knife cutting through my sanity that was slowly beginning to deteriorate.

"I thought we all promised to get out of this together!"

I tried to talk sense into them reminding them of our promise that we made, but instead all I got was simply chuckles and giggles. Then came the last blow to my sanity.

"We only did that, so you would help us. Did you really think we actually cared for you? All of us except you were chosen by the instructor. Which, means your just another stepping stone for us to keep living. Now, your useless to us."

At that moment my sanity couldn't handle it anymore as I drooped to the floor. During this moment I heard a voice or rather my voice.


My body moved at lightening speed and threw a dagger so fast that it collided into one of the monster's throat. I followed up with the same movement and threw the rest of the six daggers towards the other monsters

The six daggers I threw landed their mark, and thus killing six of them right away. The last one missed as it only struck the leg. This one was intentional. I walked up to the last remaining monster.

"P-P-Please! D-Don't kill me!"

The last one was quivering in fear and tears of streamed ran down the face of that *thing*. But, truly disgusted me was that *thing* crawling and hugging my right leg. 

"Get off. You stink."

It shook it's head in denial and still begged to be spared.



My response seemed to give the *thing* hope. But, I believed it misunderstood my intention.


I raised my other leg and swung it at full force directly into the *thing* face. It's nose was now broken and blood poured out of it like a steams of flowing river. It further intensify my disgust for it.

"Tell this to the others in the after life. You brought this upon yourself."

With that I ended it's life by personally driving down the dagger in my hand, and into it's skull. I then turned and faced the instructor preparing for the worst to come. But, instead what I got from him was unexpected.

"Splendid. You are truly my perfect creation. As for the will be my death."

I wasted no time getting to up where he was at and placed my dagger on his throat. Instead of the resistant I expected. He just accepted the blade lined up on his neck.

"What is the catch?!"

He smirked and spoke again.

"You are my successor. Now I have accomplish my goal and can now die in peace."

Before I could even have a chance to respond. He pulled out a strange looking dagger, and stabbed himself with it. I wanted to stop whatever he was doing, but was too shocked at what I was seeing in front of me.

The instructor was being sucked dry and now looked like a shriveled up corpse. This happened within seconds, and before I knew it. He was started faded away like ashes, and leaving behind the strange looking dagger. I picked it up and inspected it. I couldn't tell what was so special about it other than that it was a strangely nice looking dagger. But, then I heard a voice.

"Hello, master I hope we will get along with each other."

It was a female voice...

"Also. My name is Shira Yuki. What is your name?"


"Don't worry Y/N I'll won't Betray you again. I promise..this time...."



This story will have a darker tone than the rest of my other story. The idea came from my other story such as (Male reader X Holy sword). As for why I'm doing something like this again...well...I kinda feel like I rushed the other one too much. Which is why I wanna write again, but with a much darker tone.

Various Female Yandere X Male Character / Male Reader (inconsistent update)Where stories live. Discover now