Unrequited love Part 2

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After the incidents of the cruel reality that the black mage had to face. He was then later guided by the goddess of balance to slowly walk towards an abandon temple. One could say that it was about eighty percent in ruins. But regardless, the black mage no longer cared about such thing and did as the goddess told him.

"Human...hopefully you don't mind my temple being a bit shaby..." Although the voice of the goddess was powerful and strong. There was a hint of embarrassment in it.

"......" His vocal cords were almost completely ruins by his scream of rage. If talked anymore as of now, he would have completely shattered it. Which was why he decided to remain silent.

"Human, please rest for now. I will tell you the detail of what I want you to do later." With that, the black mage slowly walk towards one of the rubbles and laid onto of it. Although very tired and mentally exhausted. He gazed at the starry night skies and wondered to himself.

'What do I do from here?' Was the only question that the black mage thought to himself for hours under the night sky before slowly drifting off to sleep.




*The next day*

The next day began with the sun still rising in the distant. The black mage was given a task by the goddess.

"Go spread my name throughout the nearby lands. But be sure to come back once night has fallen. I don't want to lose my only follower."

"Hm" The black mage nodded his head and began walking towards the nearby village to spread her name. Thus began the journey of the black mage spreading the fame of the goddess of balance that ruled over the dungeon of suffering and reward.

All while this was happening. The Hero and his harem were still living happily without a care in the world. As for the ArchMage, she was still madly in love with the hero and even more so with the fact that he supposedly obtain an elixir for her. Though this would be the start of the downfall for the hero.




*Three years later*

Three years have gone by without much change in the world. But for the black mage. A lot of things had changed for him. Instead of being called "The black mage". He was instead titled "Devilish Mage".

Although the title was indeed more ominous than before. It now had a different meaning that greatly contrasted to his p[pervious titled where he seemed ominous and dangerous. Now, everyone began calling him the Devilish Mage for his charismatic attitude and appearance that woe many females. Thus making their followers about (Ahem) eighty percent females...

Either way, Mist never really cared about it and continued doing his work just as normal. But, as for the goddess....

"These harlots! They better not touch what's mine!" Angrily shouted the goddess as they saw hundreds of young and even older gazes of hungry females landing their eyes upon the fleeting figure of Mist.

Yes, over the years. The goddess had soon became more possessive of Mist and even forbid him from leaving the goddess statue at night. She wanted Mist to be close to her as possible.

Her reasoning behind all this?

"I don't want you to be taken away by some harlot!" She was paranoids that  her *dear* Mist would start sleeping with other women.

Oh yea, Mist was also a virgin. He never slept with any women due to his dedicated love towards the ArchMage. To which the goddess responded with, "How Wonderful! I can't believe that my first follower is so pure!"

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