A Love Beyond A Lifetime

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"You bastard! Today will be your last!" 

A feminine voice bellowed with unspeakable rage.

"Then do your worst."

Contrast to the bellowing angry from the feminine voice. A calm and collected male voice responded.

Looking closer, two beings stood across from each. 

On the left stood a being draped in black armor which covered his body from head to toe.

On the right stood a beautiful voluptuous woman. Although calling the woman a human wouldn't exactly be right.

For she had nine beautiful pristine white tails sprouting from her behind. 

And on her head laid two furry ears which matched the color of her white tailed.

if it were any other day, the woman would've been describe as goddess which descended from the heavens to grace the mortal plane with her beauty.

But now, her aura and fierce look resembled that of an angry war goddess ready to bath in bloodshed. 

"I'll make sure you suffer before killing you!"

The fox woman bellowed her feelings as she charge towards the being dressed in black armor.

In response to the fox woman's charge. The being in black armor casual shifted his body to side before countering with a punch.

But the fox woman foresee this coming and dodge out of the way with alarming speed.

Seeing that her attacked failed, the woman immediately began charging towards the black armor being again.

The black armor being who was still standing in the same location did not move as they observed the approaching woman.

But as soon as the woman had reached within 1 meter of the black armor being. She immediately brought out her right hand towards the head of the black armor being.

"Fox Fire!" 

The fox woman shouted as she poured large amounts of energy into her right hand which soon shot out a blast of blue flames.

But the wasn't the end of it as the woman immediately threw out her other remaining hand to combine with her other hand and chanted.

"Hell's Flame!"

This time, instead of blue flame. A crimson blood flame burst out with even greater force than the fox fire.

Once the spell's power slowly wore away. The result that laid before the fox woman baffle her.

Standing in front of her stood the black armor being. Although the armor on the black armor being was melted off leaving only molten black residue which slid off the being's figure.

Underneath the black armor laid a man in his twenties with tired eyes.

Although fatigue was defiantly apparent in the eyes of the tired man.

What surprised the fox woman more was emotions she felt from the eyes of the man.

Fatigue, despair, helplessness, pity, happiness, and lastly, love?

'No, that can't be right.' 

The fox woman thought internally before shaking of the thoughts and stabbed her hand into the heart region of the man who was now defenseless.

With nothing to protect the man's chest region as the black armor had melted off. The hand of the fox woman which now had extended sharp nails easily pierce the chest of the man.

Various Female Yandere X Male Character / Male Reader (inconsistent update)Where stories live. Discover now