The minor hero run away (Part 2)

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After getting out the capital. I soon headed towards west, since my goal was to reach the Den of the fox. My only business there was to meet this one kitsune who I once met long ago.

I suppose you could call her an old friend, since we did help each other out once. Though, that would be a story for another time. Anyways, I'm currently riding a beast called a Kirin. 

Now, I know that I may seem crazy and all. But this Kirin is actually a good friend of my. She and I are typically partners whenever we needed to wipe out the dark forces led by the demon king. 

Oh, and her name is Rin or at least that is what she tells me. I know that her true name is much bigger, but honestly I prefer Rin. It's much shorter and easier.

"Y/N how was the last centuries?"

"Oh you know. The usual. Beating up evil forces that keeps trying to capture me."

"So that bitch hasn't given up yet huh?" (Whisper)

"Hm? Did you say something?"


"You sure?"


Ah. Usually she would go quiet whenever she doesn't want to talk. I suppose I should stop trying to pry into whatever she is thinking. How about a change of topic.

"Rin, how long will it take before we reach the fox den?"


"Uh. Rin?"

"So the first time we meet after hundreds of year is you wanting to get away from me? What, am I scary or something?"

"N-no of course not!"

To be honest. You are scary when your angry.

"Your lying."

"A-anyways. You look really nice today."

"Is that right?"

"Of course!"

At my words I could feel Rin smiling. Though I may not see it. I could feel like. She was really happy. 

In all honestly. Rin is like a innocent child to me, since she seems to really like praises. Which is why I usually turn to Rin for help whenever I needed to do something. Plus, it puts a smile on my face to see her so happy.

"Hey, Rin. I'm going to take a quick nap. You fine with that?"

"Not like your listen even if I tell you not to."

I chuckled at her response, while also petting her head....

For some reason. I feel very tired...


In front of me was a women. She was quite a looker, but not as good as Luna. Though for some reason she felt somewhat familiar to me. It was as if we had met before, though I could not recall at all.


Clenching my chest where my heart sat. I felt immeasurable sadness and guilt. It was as if my heart was telling me that I was forgetting something important. Soon after, tears began to stream down my cheek for some reason.

Why did I feel like crying in front of her? Why did I feel so much guilt when looking at her? But most importantly. Why did I miss her so much?

As we stared at each other. The women's tears also began to stream down her cheek. When I saw that she was crying. My mouth opened up, and out came my voice. But for some reason the words that came out of my mouth seemed so familiar to me.

Various Female Yandere X Male Character / Male Reader (inconsistent update)Where stories live. Discover now