The Light Empress's Secret

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In this world, there are two factions ruled by two powerful beings.

Lisa Strella Light, the light empress.

Ashen Daka Darkness, the dark emperor.

Despite their opposing elements, peace always prevailed between the two factions. The two rulers ensured this by swiftly quelling any rebellious faction members who attempted to incite war.

And whenever a problem does occur, the two rulers made sure to discuss the matters by calmly talking about the matters before resorting to any drastic means of violence.

But in the events that a problem cannot be solved through discussing the matters. The two rulers had created a special arena for any problems that needed to be solved through violence.

Of course, the two rulers weren't always perfect in controlling their factions members from provoking the others. But they did their best to avoid any potential wars between the two factions.

And with the combined might of both the light empress and the dark emperor. The peace between the two factions were never broken. But a questions did arise in both of the factions.

Why did the light empress and dark emperor seem to be on good terms?

It was a known history that light and darkness was always in a constant battle of war. But that all changed when the appearance of the light empress and the dark emperor came into the war.

They quelled their respective enemies within their factions and soon emerged as leaders. Once the Light Empress and Dark Emperor had secured their positions as sole leaders, they struck a deal: the two factions would cease fighting and coexist peacefully.

This unusual yet welcome development was embraced by all faction members, who had grown weary of the constant warfare.

But question on how both factions leader seemed to be on good terms did seem a bit odd. But they had just chucked it up to the strange working of fate.

At least, that was what the public believed if questioned.




In a strange room with runic carving surrounding around the room that glowed and pulsed as if alive sat two beings.

One radiated a divine light that brought warmth and comfort. Upon closer inspection, this light emanated from a woman with long golden hair and enchanting beauty that inspired awe and admiration. Her warm and comforting aura exuded a motherly presence, perfectly complemented by the soft, maternal smile she always wore.

As for the other being who exuded a bitter dark aura was that of a man with a stoic expression on his face. His body shape was that of a humanoid appearance, but the essence of his dark lineage appeared when looking at the forehead which had two horns sticking out. But aside from that, the man could be seen as somewhat 'Human'.

"Brother, the light Valkyries are complaining to me again that your liches keeps invading their land." The women spoke with a soft tone as she gazed at being who was her brother across from her.

"Is that so? Perhaps I should go have a look and verify your claims. But you should also make sure to verify the light Valkyries claims as well." The man spoke a calm tone as he kept the info of what his sister had told him.

"Understood." The women nodded her head in response to her brother's order.

"Is there anything else that we need to be aware of?" The man spoke with a hint of excitement.

"Unfornately, no. There hasn't been any uprising or-" The women paused as she glanced at the man's face. But seeing that the reactions of her brother's face face which had switched from a look of excitement to one of disappointment brought a smile to the women's face.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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