Female Gardevoir X Male Trainer

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After the getting all the seven badges around the age of 17 I decided to try my luck against the elite four. But, of course I failed. I only managed to get to the last one before losing. As most of my Pokémon were already worn out. 

Even after losing I got words of compliments  from all the elite four saying that I got potential, since most couldn't even make it this far. It made me feel happy that at least my effort from wandering around my whole region for about four years weren't really all that wasted. But now I felt like it was about time that I settle down, and start finding a house. I wasn't getting any younger and plus I knew that sooner or later I had to take up the responsibility of an adult, so why not start now?

I had a considerable amount of money, since I beaten a lot of trainer throughout my years. It was about a four day walk from the previous location where the elite four were before finally getting to my destination. The reasons why I decided to choose this town as my new current home town was because I heard that there was a lot of crimes going on. 

The condition of the town were of course quite bad. As the home had a bunch of crack in them, and the street were litter with trash. You could instantly tell that in ever dark comer there would always be scum. As they were lurking in every part of the shadow of the town, but not for long. It was now time to purge this city of it's scum, and crimes.

When I first came here I was suddenly assaulted by a couple of stranger using Pokémon as their way of threatening me in a dark alleyway. But I quickly defeated both of them, and later question them about the currently situation of the town. They told me that the person named "Gato" was currently controlling the city by threatening the mayor. He also told me that if it wasn't for the mayor's family being held as captive. Then the mayor wouldn't have mind being sacrifice even if it meant his death.

It was after listening to his story, and the reasons why he attacked me. Only did I let him and his partner go. But before I truly let them go I'll have one of my ghost Pokémon tail them. In case they ever decided to pull a fast one on me, and tell their boss that a goodie too shoe was here to stop them. When I waited for about an hour my ghost Pokémon returned to me. He began to hint me that the two people who I fought with were actually one of Gato's men. Not only that my ghost Pokémon even knew where their base was, since he followed them and they stupidly went straight to their base first in order to tell their boss. It was going exactly like I planned, which was too funny. As my smile began to widen showing a rather scary expression that even my Pokémon were afraid of me.

I began to make preparation by exploring the city's sewer and any secret location that my enemies could use. After finding about five different escape route that they could run to. I went shopping for a bit and brought a mask that look similar to a skeleton and even bought a black color cloak in order to block my entire appearance, since I wouldn't want Gato knowing who I was in case if he ever escape from me. You can never be too careful when dealing with these type of people. As they always have a trick up their sleeves.

It was now night time, and so I began to put on my mask and black cloak. I placed each of my Pokémon in all escapes route that I found earlier and only left two Pokémon by my sides. Now everything was set as I began to follow my ghost Pokémon that knew the way to their base. When I got there I saw that Gato's base was lacking in defense, and instead was more stealth like. As I wouldn't even think that he would actually build his base right under the mayor's house. It was good for tricking other, since they wouldn't think that his base would be right under the mayor's house. But sadly for him I knew where his location was. When I got down I saw a dozen men standing outside of a fancy looking door. Which led me to believe that Gato's must be in there.

Various Female Yandere X Male Character / Male Reader (inconsistent update)Where stories live. Discover now