Yandere kistune X male reader 2

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"Kiko can you let me go?"(Y/N)

"Only if you promise not to leave."(Kiko)

"Umm...how about maybe?"(Y/N)

"Hmm...how about no?"(Kiko)

Well, shit I guess I'm not getting out this situation anytime soon. I guess the only way for me to truly escape this horny kitsune would be to travel into another realm.

"How about a kiss then you let me free?" (Y/N)

"Only if you include me sucking you off daily for at least 1hour. " (Kiko)

"Hmm....Alright, but the sucking me off won't happen today, since my arms hurt from being tied up." (Y/N)

"Okay!" (Kiko) :D

After Kiko kissed me for a good 10min she let loose of the rope binding me. Great now to prepare my plan in order to get away from this scary kitsune.

I walked to an open space and began to breathe in the air surrounding me as I was preparing to shout with all my might.

"Author! If your there please keep me away from Kiko!"

"Hubby....what did you just say?"

"If you don't listen to what I'm saying then I will kill myself this instance!"

*Fine, I'll help you out (for a while that is)*

I sudden felt a mysterious force surrounding me and picking me off the ground. Kiko of course didn't just stand there as she summoned a giant hand that came out of no where to reach out and grab me. But the author who I called upon was the creator of all things which means I was safe.

"NOOO! YYYY/NNNN come back please!"

As I stated at the crying Kiko a void appear out of no where and I sucked into it. The area around me was dark and had little lights that surrounded us.

*Tell me. How did you know the name Author?*

"Well, it just suddenly came to my head and I began to think about how life was created and who created us..."

*Ughh....Crap since I haven't been writing a lot lately I guess all the story that I written before are going haywire.*

"W-What do you mean?"

*Nevermind that. Anyway you told me that you only wanted me to keep you away from Kiko right?*


*But, you didn't tell me how long I have to keep you away though :P*

"No.. please at least for a week."

*Hmm, fine I guess I'll do you a favor, since your the first to have ever broken through the fourth wall.*

"T-Then that means!"

*Yes, I'll keep you safe here for one week. But you better hope that you find  a way to calm down that kitsune. As she is more powerful than you think. Oh look she's even giving me a call right now.*

"YYY/NNNN if you don't get your ass right out of there and come here to mate with me this instance! I will chain you up and fuck you for the remaining days of you life! Not that I'll ever let you die of course."

"S-Should I do like what she said?"

*I don't know its not my problem. All I can say is that she will probably keep mating with you forever. So have fun living in furry heaven, no wait should I instead say hell?*

"Y-Your not making it any better!"

*Hmm...how about this I'll help you out once every 2 years. In exchange you do me a favor?*



If I had the author behind my back then I wouldn't need to be scared off Kiko anymore. But how come I feel like I'm being scammed?

Author POV.

After one week y/n and Kiko met each other again. Only the fact that Kiko was more self reserve due to my part. And so for many years to come they mated like rabbit and had many kids that could filled a mansion. But I of course was never even called once as he found that his wife Kiko was now a loving faithful wife. Although she does kill some people behind the scene. But hey Y/N doesn't know so it's all good.

Author signing out.

Various Female Yandere X Male Character / Male Reader (inconsistent update)Where stories live. Discover now