Voting time!

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Sorry to those who wanted the next update to be a story. But, I am kind of conflicted on which one I should write. I will let you guys decide on what story you want to read. List will be down below along with a quick summary of them.

1. Neighboring Goddess - You are awake to find yourself in a cave along with a baby. But due to some mystic powers at work. The baby seemly can grow at an unnatural rate as you kill more monster. Later on you find out that the baby is actually a new born goddess who has grown from an infant to an adult. Now, she is able to create a life and city in that cave along with you. What will you do?

2. Shadows of Idol - You a hard working and honest man was robbed of everything from you by someone who held higher status and power. Now rejected by the society itself you dwell into the dark side of the internet and find ways to make money whether it be legal or legally. But as time as you later find yourself full of money and connections to all sorts of powerful individual. What do you do? Of course, you build a group of idols who once stood in your very shoes. Now your a big timer with huge money and dozens of girls who pledge their very existence for you. What will you do?

3. My Mom is the Holy Sword! - Abandoned by your parents due to certain events that occur. You are now left alone in a unknown forest and left to rot and die. But not all hope is lost as a strange and mysterious women comes and pick you up. She later adopts you as her son, and teaches you about the wonders of the world. Though the only strange part is that she keeps encouraging you to pull out a certain sword, while claiming that before you can leave her side. You would need to pull that sword out. Now began your training in pulling out the sword in order to leave the comfort of home. But is it really that simple?

4. Father of the Dragon Empress - One day you stumble across an unusual looking egg that belongs to a dragon. Though dragons are quite common in your world. You have never seen this type of egg before. Instead of all the elements or color that represent them. The color of the egg was covered in gold. What kind of dragon would come out of this? 

I will add the other two later. As for now I will be quite busy with my online classes, so I won't really have that much time to update unless it's during Friday, Saturday or Sunday. That will be all for now. 

Again. Sorry to those who were hoping for a new yandere story to read.

Yours, truly


PS: The voting Phase will end at October 2.

Various Female Yandere X Male Character / Male Reader (inconsistent update)Where stories live. Discover now