My Childhood Friend Dilemma (Part 2)

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                             could this be possible?

No, is this even reality?

What the the chances of the impossible happening?

Impossible! So why the hell did the impossible happened?!

Why was it my class that got picked to be transported to another world out billions of human on Earth!?

And worse of all....

Eva somehow got involved in the summoning...

Damn Goddess! 

The least you could have done is at least leave that scary bitch behind!

Don't you know how much of monster she is?!



Turning around, I saw Eva calling out to me. I responded back while trying my best to keep calm.


"What class did you receive from the goddess?"

Oh right, I forgot about the blessing from the damn goddess.

Let me see....

'Open Status'

[Novice Scholar lvl1]

+10 Mana

+ 1 HP

+ Basic Skill: Fire

Interesting, so these are the benefits that I obtaining a beginner mage class.

Apparently, how the power system worked in this new world was that the only way to get stronger was through leveling up your class in order to gain stats.

But leveling up your classes is actually interesting in this world.

Killing monsters doesn't provide you experience to level up your class.

Instead, understanding your class and knowing the laws behind the class would make it stronger.

In a sense, the leveling system seems to work more on mastering the class instead of brute forcing it.

"Mine is called Novice Scholar. Yours?"

"My is called Novice cleric. In video game, doesn't a cleric heal and stay in the backline?"

"Uh, yea? I think so."

With a grin on Eva's face she responded, "Perfect! It definitely suits me!"

Why do I get the feeling that Eva's up to her usual plotting again?

Well, as long as it doesn't affect me in anyway-

"I'll see if I can get us some meat shield. That way you and I won't have to be in the front line."

"Wait, what? Meat shield?"

Wait, us? When did I join your party already?!




And the most important of all, Why?!

"Come on Kess, You seriously think that I'll us be on the front line where we could lose our life anytime? Please, as if I care about the other's safety. As long as you and I are safe in the backline. Nothing matters."

'Scary bitch!' I thought to myself while pulling up a fake smile with a slight nod to acknowledge her words.

"Well then, how do you plan to get us these meat shield?" I questioned Eva.

Various Female Yandere X Male Character / Male Reader (inconsistent update)Where stories live. Discover now