The Burnt Beauty (Part 3)

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Waking up, Anders quickly dressed himself and washed up.

After which, he then proceeded to leave the bedroom where all the others kids slept.

Walking towards the kitchen of the orphanage. He soon began prepping his own food by cutting up the vegetables and small bits of meat. 

Once that was done, Anders went to fetch a small bucket of water before pouring it into an iron pot and began setting up a fire.

All this process took less than twenty minutes to prepare as Anders had already seen and learned from the cooks of the orphanage.

What Anders was making was nothing more than a simple boil vegetables with meat, to others, it may look simple and bland.

But to Anders who came from the slums where even eating itself was a luxury. It was the best meal that Anders could ever hope for.

And although Anders could have waited for the cooks to prep the meal instead.

Anders was still not comfortable with having others prepare his meal. As years of constant surviving in the slums.

He had develop of sense of mistrust towards others. As everyone in the slums knew the golden rule that never changed even after years.

'Rule One: The only one you can trust, is yourself.'

This rule was a pillar of belief that was the source of Anders's foundation of his personality.

Sure, it may lead to problems in the future.

But it was this personality that he had that kept him alive.

In a sense, whatever keeps him alive is what he will stick to. 

'If it works, then why bother changing it?' Was what Anders thought.

Which was why when he didn't have anyone to play with or was left alone.

It didn't really bother him that much. And he was fine with the way things were...until 'she' appeared in his daily life.

Racheal, that weird grotesque girl who persistently kept following him.

At first, Anders thought she would go away after a few days of ignoring. But after about week, Anders soon noticed that Racheal had no intention on going away.

There was even a point where Anders got so annoyed at Racheal that he shouted at her, demanding her why she kept following him.

Her response, "I like being with you." was what Racheal said.

To which Anders replied back with, "And I don't like being with you!" 

This seemed to faze Racheal a bit as she seemed to cry at any moment. 

Seeing this, Anders felt ashamed for some reasons and didn't even know why...

"Why?" Racheal asks.

"......" But Anders didn't answer.

'Why?' Anders thought to himself.

Even Anders wasn't sure why. Maybe it was because he was a slum kid and didn't feel like he would fit well with Racheal. After all, all kids who lived in the slums were much more different compared to others.

This was something Anders quickly found out, as he scoff at the childish antics and desires of the kids at the orphanage. 

The kids at the orphanage were 'spoiled' beyond belief in the eyes of Anders.

They would cry over the littlest thing.

Not enough food? Cries.

Not enough play time? Cries.

Various Female Yandere X Male Character / Male Reader (inconsistent update)Where stories live. Discover now