Yandere Princess Rose X male Reader Part 2

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After running away from my previous home. I had walk for about a week before finally reaching my destination. It was another city, but this one was much stronger than Rose's city. As the current living hero was living in this city. The reasons as too why the hero choose this place was unknown to me. All I knew was that I was safe here, since surely princess Rose wouldn't do anything reckless to me. 

I first went to the adventurer guild in order to sign in that I was going to be currently staying in this city. After that I booked a room for myself and started my once daily routine of going on quest. This lasted for about two weeks before finally there were rumors and topic about Princess Rose.

Some rumor stated that I cheated on Princess Rose and ran away after making her pregnant, while other said that I raped her and ran away in order to not get caught. But all of them pointed to one important fact. It was that there was huge bounty on my head as of right now.


Capture Y/N and bring him to this location (XXXXX)

[Alive Only] (Minimal injuries are bruises) 

Contractor: Princess Rose

Age: 21 height: XXX Location: Unknown (last seen in Princess Rose's territory.)

Description: A handsome black hair man. He seems really meek and weak, but in truth he is really strong.

Rewards: 10,000 gold coins


At this point I'm pretty sure that I'll be safe for a while. The description of me were rather bad, since there were many other people that also had black. Which is why I believe that I should be safe for the time being. But, still the amount of money that she's willing to pay in order to just get me is crazy.

Wait...Now that I think about it. Didn't I just use my name in order to register that I was going to be staying in this city? Doesn't that mean that if the guild informs Rose. Then she would know my current exact location!

"YYY/NNN!" (Rose)

I then felt something very squish being pressed against my back. Then a familiar smell began to smear itself all over my body. It was of course, Princess Rose......

"Y/N I was looking for you! Why did you run away from your wife!" (Rose)

I at first looked at Rose in fear, since I was surpise to see that she was willing to walk miles away from her territory in order to just see me again. But as I thought about the reasons why I was living in this conidition in the first place. I began to get more angry as I knew that she was excatly the reasons why I was kicked out and humiliated.

"What do you want Princess?" (Y/N)

Rose only looked at me in worry and turned my face to look at her in the eyes.

"Call me Rosey like you used too! Not Princess. Thats only for my subject, and you are my lover. Which is why you should call me in a more intimate tone." (Rose)

"Why, of course Princess. If you order me to do so. Then how could I refuse, since I'm just a lowly peasent that has fallen from your graceful land."

I was angry, and I wanted her to know how I felt. When both her and hero humilated me in public. They both laughed at me, and called me stupid. They even have the aducity to take away all my things and give to the stupid hero. At that point I was homeless and luckly I saved a town from a nest of goblin, which gave me a tempory home to stay in.

"No! I want you to call me Rosey with love and affection like before! Not because I ordered you." (Rose)

I gritted my teeth, and only glared at her this time.

" Shut up You stupid spoil brat! You were the reason why I ran away. It was because of you and the hero who took everything away from me! Are you that blind and mental that you even forgot how both you and the hero humilated me!" (Y/N)

"I-I was stupid back! The hero tricked me and only used me! After he left me, only then did I reliease that you truly cared for me. I'm so sorry Y/N! I really am sorry that I humilated you and left you for dead!" (Rose)

I sighed and only looked at her teary eyes that had tears flowing down like waterfall. I guess she really was sorry at what she did for me. But, still I can't easily forgot what she did.

"Rosey, I don't love you anymore. In fact just you being here and talking to me. It makes me so angry and sad. But I'm willing to forgive you for what you did." (Y/N)

"T-Then you love me rig-"(Rose)

"Under one condition." (Y/N)

" I'll do anything!" (Rose)

"I will never love you again. Also at most we can only just become friend. If you accept these terms then I'll forgive you for what you done." (Y/N)

If I were to really calm down and think carefully on why Rose did what she did then I would see that everything was because of the hero's fault. He was jsut a playboy who tries to make every beautiful girl into his play things. But sadly Princess Rose fell for it and became his plaything and since I tried to stop him. That must of have been why he order Princess Rose to do what she did.

"B-But I love you!" (Y/N)

"And I don't love you anymore. It's up to you. If you still choose to have some sort of connection with me. Then I sugesst you accept these terms, or else I treat you no more than a stranger. (Y/N)

At my tone Rose flinch and began to cry even more. She stayed like this for about two minute before fainlly speaking up.

"I-I accept this terms.." (Rose)

After saying that Rose began to cry even more. But this time I patted her head, since now that she accepted that I would just be her friend. Then I'll do what any good old friend would do. That is to be there for when their down and when their in pain. 

"Will you come back with me?" (Rose)

"Sure." (Y/N)

I went back to my room and packed everything that I had. Everything went better than I thought, since I was sure that a yandere princess like Rose would resort to crazy things. But I guess I was wrong.

It was when we got back to Rose's home that only did I start to part away from her. Rose waved me good bye, and I also waved back. But as I started to walk towards the exit of Rose's hosue I suddenly felt a painful blunt sensation on the back of my head. I didn't even have time to see who it was, since I was knocked out by the time that I knew it.

"Ughh...my..head..." (Y/N)

I noticed that my arm and legs were tied up. When I looked around the room I spotted Rose who wasn't wearing any clothes. 

"Rose! Get me out of here!" (Y/N)

"I'm sorry Y/N, but this was the only way to keep you close to me!" (Rose)

"This isn't right! You of all people should know that!" (Y/N)

Rose didn't even seem to hear what I said as she began to walk towards me. She first took off my shirt with a knife and later procceded to take off my pants and underware. Now I was completely butt naked and trembling in front of the crazy Rose.

"Don't worry I'll take good care of you from now on Y/N. I promise that I'll be faithful to you from now on too." (Rose)

Damn I know crazy bat shit yandere aren't trustworthy. But, noooo I just had to screw myself up and act all nice and kind. Now I'm stuck with this sexy busty princess who wants my kids. I do hope that people learn my miskate.

Y/N Signing out.

Various Female Yandere X Male Character / Male Reader (inconsistent update)Where stories live. Discover now