Happy Birthday (Eraserjoke)

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Emi woke up and looked at her calendar. A wide smile grew on her face. Today was Aizawa's birthday.

Aizawa was in his office, marking work, until their came a knock at the door. "Come in."
The door swung open and a teal haired woman marched in.
"Happy birthday, Shouta!" Aizawa frowned. "Emi, you don't have to be so loud." "Oh, sorry. Here's your gift!" Emi reveals a white box in red ribbon and puts it on Aizawa's desk. "Go on. Open it." "Now?" Emi nods.
Aizawa rolls his eyes and opens the present. What he saw surprised him. It was a folded piece of paper. He took it out and opened it. There was a message.

My house.

"Emi, you could've just said you wanted me at your house." "But that would've been less fun!" Aizawa looked at the message and groaned. "Okay. Great. I'll be there." "Yay! Anyway, I just came by to give you that, so I have to get back to my school. So bye. Love you."
Emi gave Aizawa's cheek a kiss. "Love you too", he replied. As soon as she left, Aizawa slammed his head against the table.
"Knowing her, she's probably going to invite everyone and throw me one big surprise party. Just perfect", he said sarcastically.
Aizawa wasn't a very social person. Not even on his own birthday. A surprise party would mean everyone he knew would be in one place. Even if he didn't like the idea, it was Emi's, and he loved her. He would hate to break her heart.

Aizawa got dressed in a black dress shirt and grey jeans. He climbed into his car and drove to Emi's house.
Upon arriving at the location, he looked at his watch to make sure he was there on time. Aizawa stared at the front door and took a deep breath. "Okay, Shouta. Just act like you're surprised. The sooner this is over, the better."
He opened the door and was met with a surprising sight.
"Surprise.", said Emi, who was wearing a light blue sundress. She was also the only one in the room. The smile hero walked up to her shocked boyfriend and hugged him.
"I know you don't like big crowds, so I set up a little gathering for the two of us." Aizawa looked at her then smiled. "You know me too well." "Well duh! If I didn't, I'd be a terrible girlfriend!"
Aizawa chuckled. "Well? What have you got planned for my birthday?"
The two lovers sat at the table and ate a homemade cake by Emi. They chatted happily while the radio was playing music. Then, a song popped up that was all too familiar for Aizawa and Emi.
"Shouta, do you know this song?" "Yeah, isn't it the one that played on our first date?" "It is!" Aizawa looked at his lover and stood up, offering his hand to Emi. "Shall we?"
Emi, at first confused, smile and took Aizawa's hand. She stood up and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, while his arms were around her waist.
The two heroes danced slowly to their song, looking into each other's eyes.
"Admit it. This the best birthday you've ever had." "Yeah, it is."
They then shared a kiss.
"Happy birthday, Shouta."

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