Please don't cry (Kuromomo)

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Satsuki was held up against a wall, her mouth covered by a hand and a knife held close to her face.
"Now give me whatever you got on you, little lady", said the man. Satsuki could only let a stream of tears fall down her face. "Quit your crying! The sooner we finish this, the sooner you get to go home without a scratch!"
Satsuki looked over the man's shoulder and gained a spark of joy. Behind the man stood a certain bluenette.
"Whatcha lookin' at?" The man turned around, then looked back at Satsuki, but shot his head back at the figure behind him. "Hi." "What the?! Who the hell are you?" "Her boyfriend. Also the one who called the police."
Kuroko pointed to the street and sure enough, there was one police car. An officer climbed out and ran towards the mugger, apprehending him.
Satsuki ran to Kuroko and sobbed into his shoulder. "Hey hey, it's okay. I'm here now." "I was so scared!" "It's fine. I'm here now. Please don't cry." Kuroko looked at his girlfriend's tear stained face, and kissed her. "I'm here."

Kuroko and Satsuki entered their shared apartment and walked to their bedroom. Satsuki was about to take her shirt off before noticing Kuroko about to leave. "Wait!" "Hm?" "Please don't leave." Kuroko smiled and walked back into the room. He closed his eyes as Satsuki got dressed.
Kuroko got dressed as well and climbed into bed with his lover. "Don't worry Satsuki. I will always be here to protect you."

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