What is christmas? (Shido x Tohka)

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Tohka woke up one morning and saw the decorations that were all over the house. She was confused and walked downstairs.
She looked around and saw more decorations. The spirit was confused.
"Oh, Tohka. You're awake." Tohka turned her head and saw Kotori. "Kotori? What's going on?" "Don't you know? It's Christmas!"
Tohka tilted her head. "Christmas?" Kotori began to explain.
"It's a holiday." "What do you do on this holiday?" "Mainly giving presents to people you know." Tohka then became consumed with guilt.
"Giving presents? To people I know? I don't have a present for Shido!" The purple haired spirit grabbed Kotori by the shoulders and shook her violently. "Teach me the ways of Christmas!" "Okay! Okay! Calm down, geez."

Shido had just walked out of the mall after purchasing a few presents to give to everyone. As he arrived home, he heard voices from behind the door.
"Do you think Shido will like it?" "My brother likes you no matter what you wear, Tohka."
Shido's curiosity got the best of him, so he opened the door and saw a sight that made him blush.
Tohka was wearing a Santa themed dress.
"Sh-Shido?!" Kotori looked at the two. "Well, I'm gonna head off now."
Shido and Tohka were left alone in the room. "You look..." "Bad?" "Wha-? No! I was going to say you look... pretty." Tohka rubbed her arm with embarrassment. "Kotori said that people wear these types of outfits during this holiday. What's it called again?" "Christmas?" "Yes! Christmas!"
Shido chuckled. "Now we wait for an elderly fat man to come give us presents!" Shido started laughing. "Tohka, he's only going to come at night. And when you're asleep." "So I won't get to see him?" Tohka looked down in disappointment. Shido tried to think of something to comfort her. "B-but don't worry! As long as you have been good this year, he'll give you a present!" Tohka smiled. "I have been good! I'll get a present!" Shido smiled.
"Yes you will Tohka. Yes you will."

Everyone had gathered up that night for a Christmas party. Presents were currently being given to one another, so this was Shido's chance to give his present for Tohka.
"Here you go, Tohka." "A present? For me?" Shido nodded. The purple haired spirit tore through the paper and saw a narwhal plush.

 The purple haired spirit tore through the paper and saw a narwhal plush

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Tohka was overjoyed with her gift. "I love it Shido! It's so adorable!" She then gave Shido her gift.
He opened and saw a dinosaur plush.

"Now we both have a plushie!" Shido chuckled

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"Now we both have a plushie!" Shido chuckled.
Kurumi, who was hiding behind the couple, raised her arm and dangled a mistletoe over their heads.
Shido took notice of this and began to blush. Tohka also saw it. "Shido? What is it? What's wrong with this plant?"
Kurumi then popped up. "It's called mistletoe. When two people are under it, they have to kiss." Now Tohka was also blushing.
Then they heard chanting. They looked around them and saw everyone chanting for them kiss.
Shido and Tohka looked at each other, and gave in.
They leaned closer and closed the gap between them with a heartwarming kiss. Everyone else cheered. They then continued the party.
"Hey, Tohka?" "Yes, Shido?" "Did Kotori tell you what Christmas is about?" "It's about giving presents, right?" "Not really. It's about spending time with the people you care about. The people you love. To me, that's you."
Tohka smiled. "I love you Shido." "I love you too, Tohka. And merry Christmas."

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