Distance (Todomomo)

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This is based off of a Todomomo comic I saw.

"Congratulations, ma'am", said the doctor. "It
appears that you will be having twins."
Momo's hand flew to her mouth with joy as she looked at the ultra sound picture. She looked close to see one of the babies' faces, only for its shape to remind her of her lover.
"Shoto..." "Hm? Did you say something, ma'am?"
"Oh, nothing doctor! I'll be on my way now!"

Momo walked out of the building, her expression becoming saddened. "Shoto..."
She thought back to about half a month ago, when her former class had invited her to a party, which she accepted, and went their with her boyfriend, Shoto Todoroki.
The night was fun, until the alcohol consumed their minds, leading them to the nearest bedroom, where they had a passionate time, which lead to the present events.
A few days after that night, Momo learned that she was pregnant. She was happy, but worried. Worried about what her boyfriend would think. She did not know how he'd react, based on his childhood with his own father.

Until the time was right, Momo would keep this baby a secret.

. . .

Shoto held his hands together, holding them close to his mouth. He looked to his side, at a small, black, velvet box. "I can't lose her. I need to show her. Show her I love her."
Recently, Shoto's girlfriend, Momo, was avoiding him. She seemed... scared of him. Shoto thought that maybe it was because she was unsure of their relationship. He assumed that maybe by doing this, he could remove that worry from her.

"Okay, Shoto. You can do this."

The dual haired male exited his apartment and walked into the street, beginning the search for his girlfriend.
As he walked down the sidewalk, he spotted a familiar face leaving a store. Her hair pitch black and tied into a ponytail. It was her. Momo Yaoyorozu.
Shoto ran up to her, and stopped a few feet from her, out of breath.

Momo turned around, her heart nearly coming to a stop. "Shoto?" "Momo!" Shoto grabbed her by her arms. "Where have you been? You barely come home! Tell me what's the matter, and I'll fix it!"
Momo looked at the ground and brushed her boyfriend's hands off of her.
"No Shoto. I don't think you can."
Shoto was about to speak, when something caught his eye. The store Momo walked out of had a poster teasing that baby clothes were on a special offer. In fact, the entire store sold only baby products.

"Momo... what were you doing in there?"
Momo's head shot up, tears threatening to fall out of her eyes. "It has nothing to do with you!" "Momo, please! I just want to help! Explain what's going on!"


Momo, threw her hands to her mouth, as she had just revealed her secret. The very secret she was keeping from the very person in front of her.
"How..." Shoto took back his question when remembered.
"The party. When we..." "Yeah."
The couple remained silent. "Let's go back to the apartment. We're making a scene." Momo could only nod her head with agreement, and followed her boyfriend back to their apartment. Once they arrived they sat on the couch.

"Is this why you've been so distant?" "...yes." "But why? Why hide the fact that you're pregnant from me?" "Because of him."
Shoto was confused.
"Your father. I thought, since he gave you such a horrible life as a child, the very thought of fatherhood wouldn't sit right with you."
Shoto stood up from the couch and kneeled in front of Momo.
"That's bullshit! So what if my father made my life miserable, I will not make that affect my future with you!" Momo's eyes widened.
"I love you, with every fibre of my being. Starting a family with you would be the greatest honor I could receive." Shoto placed a hand on Momo's stomach. "I promise, through thick and thin, that I will take care of you and our child."

Momo was about to cry, and hugged her boyfriend. "Thank you, Shoto. It warms my heart to hear you say that. But what about your hero career?" "I'd rather take be with you. In fact, I'll prove it right now."
Shoto reached into his pocket and pulled out a box. He flipped it open, revealing a silver ring with a diamond in bedded at the center.

"Momo Yaoyorozu, will you make me the happiest man alive, and marry me?"

The tears Momo tried to fight back earlier had now flown out. "YES! Yes, I'll marry you!"
Shoto slipped the ring on Momo's finger, and embraced her while kissing her deeply.
"This is the start of a whole new future. For you, me, and our child." "Children." "Hm?" "Not child, children. We're having twins."
Shoto was shocked, but then smiled.

"Even better."

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