Nice view (Maou x Emi)

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Maou was out on a midnight stroll with his girlfriend, Emi. The wind blew past, sending shivers down the spines of people it struck. Emi was one of these people. She shivered from the cold air, and moved closer to Maou.

"You cold?" Emi nodded. The demon lord wrapped his arm around the hero and shared the warmth of his body with her. "Wait, what about you?" "I don't get cold so easily."
Maou looked around, then an idea sparked in his head. "Hey, Emi?" "Yeah?" "Wanna see something incredible?" Emi raised an eyebrow. "Follow me."

Maou took his girlfriend's hand and dragged her into the streets. "Maou!" "Just trust me, okay?" Emi was going to say more, but remained silent.
The demon lord looked around, trying to recognize his surroundings, then continued walking.
Finally, the couple came to a stop. "Is this what you wanted to show me?", asked Emi.
Maou looked around. "Okay. Coast is clear." He pulled Emi close to him. "Hold on tight, alright?" Emi had so many questions she wanted to ask, but did as her boyfriend told her.

Once her arms were around him, Maou transformed into his demon form, and flew up to the sky. "Maou!" "I told you to hold on tight, didn't I?"
Emi's eyes were shut tight as she and Maou continuously flew up, until they finally stopped. "You can open your eyes now."
Emi slowly lifted her eyelids, then saw a sight that made her haw drop.
They were high above the city, and the lights were on. Various colors aligned the buildings, from red to purple to yellow.
"It's amazing how we live in such a beautiful city", said Maou. "Yeah. It sure is." "And this is only the second most amazing thing I've seen." "What's the first?" Maou grinned and rested his forehead against Emi's.


Emi blushed, but smiled nonetheless. She looked at her lover and kissed him deeply, which he was more than happy to return.

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