What you want (Akuhigu)

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Ichiyo was walking with her boss, Akutagawa, down the road when a group of drunk men walked out in front of them.
"Excuse us, may we pass?", asked Ichiyo. The men looked at her. "Well boys! Looks like we hit the jackpot! A pretty lady!"
Ichiyo kept her composure. "Thank you for the compliment, but can we please pass through?"

"You could, but how about you ditch that guy next to you and hang out with real men!" Ichiyo reached into her pocket and nearly pulled out her gun, but was stopped by one of the men.
"Wow! Quick reflexes! What else do you got that can move fast?" He held her wrist and pulled her towards him and his crew.

"Pardon me", spoke Akutagawa. The men turned their attention to him. "Would you kindly remove your filthy hands from her?" "Or what?"
Akutagawa let out a cough.
"Aww, is the little boy sick? Scram, kid. This ain't got anything to do with you." "You misunderstand. I don't use my fists."

Ichiyo could feel the menacing aura radiating off of her boss.
"Rashomon!" Akutagawa's overcoat transformed into the black demon that he always used, making the drunkards holding Ichiyo hostage shake in their boots.
"I really don't feel like killing today, so run along, or anyone who's nearby will be seeing red." His threat was enough to make the men turn tail and run, dropping Ichiyo to her knees.

"That should keep them away from us", said Akutagawa. He noticed Ichiyo bowing to him. "I'm so sorry! I failed to protect you! I let my guard down and let you handle everything! I will accept any punishment that is given to me!"
Akutagawa sighed, then coughed. "Get up." The blonde woman did so. "You need to stop doing that. Taking responsibility for me. For once, just do what you wish to do." "What I want to do is guard you!" "Besides that! I'll tell you what, let's go grab dinner, but you are going to decide where, understood?"

Ichiyo nodded, and began to think. "There's a ramen cart I found somewhere near here." "Then let's go."
Akutagawa stretched out his arm, gesturing his bodyguard to lead the way.
The duo walked down the street to the ramen cart. "Anything else you want?", asked Akutagawa. Ichiyo thought on this.
"He's actually letting me do what I want! Does this mean... no I can't do that! But he said..." "Mr Akutagawa, could you perhaps... give me a kiss?"
Akutagawa sighed gently pushed Ichiyo's face to him, pecking her on the lips. "Now let's go."

On the inside, Ichiyo was going mad with love right now.

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