Daddy's here (Soma)

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Soul and Maka were in their bed, sleeping while enjoying each other's embrace. Sadly, the moment was interrupted by a cry through the house.
Maka was about to stand up, but her husband's arms wrapped around her waist. "I'll take care of it", Soul said, as he planted a kiss on Maka's cheek.
The female meister smiled and lied back down on her bed, while her white haired husband exited the room.

Soul walked down the hall and opened the door to the room of his 3 month old daughter, Ami.
He walked over the cradle, and saw his daughter crying. He picked her up and cradled her in his arms, brushing her white hair.
"It's okay. Daddy's here." Ami opened her eyes, which were green just like her mother's. "Daddy's here." The infant girl let out a happy whimper as she stretched her arms out to her father. Soul could only chuckle as he wiggled his finger in front of his daughter's face, as she grabbed a hold of it and giggled.
"Let's get you back to sleep, baby angel. Daddy needs his rest, and so do you."

Soul rested Ami gently against his chest and bounced her a bit, trying to lull her to sleep. Ami's eyelids began to get heavy, and began to fall. The child tried to fight it, but to no avail, as her eyes went shut and she fell asleep.
Out of the corner of his eyes, Soul saw Maka resting against the doorframe. Soul put his daughter back in her crib and exited the room. "Shouldn't you be in bed?" "Couldn't resist."

The couple walked back to their room and climbed back into bed. "Man, I love my life", said Soul, making his wife smile and kiss him, before snuggling into his chest and falling fast asleep, her white haired husband joining her soon after.

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