Hikari's quirk (Kamijirou)

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Denki sat in the living room all by himself, until he heard a car park outside.
The door opened and in ran a little boy with purple hair with yellow lightning bolts on it.
Following him was Denki's wife, Kyouka.
"So, how did it go, Hikari?" "It went great!" "Really?", asked Denki, looking at his wife.
"He really wanted to test it out. I told him he could when we got home."
Earlier, Hikari went to the doctor to find out his quirk.
"Okay, show me what you can do." Hikari put some of his hair behind his ears, revealing earphone jacks like the one on his mother's ears.
"So, like mother like son, heh?" "Not exactly."
Denki was confused. "Show him, Hikari." "Okay mom."
Hikari extended the jacks and plugged it into his dad, but instead of releasing sound waves like his mom, he sent electricity through Denki's body.
Denki fell to the floor. He turned his head to see Kyouka with her phone out. "You told him to do that, didn't you?" "Sure did, Jamming Way." Hikari excitedly ran through the house, while Denki stood up, coughing a bit.
"Guess you're lucky, Kyouka." "How so?" "Hikari is a boy with your earphone jacks, and not a girl." "How does that make me lucky?" "Well, it looks cute. If Hikari were a girl, I'd have to pay attention to him more." Kyouka blushed. "They're cute?"
"Yeah. I said so a while back, didn't I? But they're also not the only cute thing about you." Denki pressed his hands against Kyouka's chest. "Awww. I forgot. They've gotten bigger. "Hey! Pervert!" The electric user chuckled and kissed his wife on the lips.

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