Drunk confession (Bumbleby)

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Blake has had feelings for Yang for a while now, but she is too afraid to confess. Little does she know that the feeling is mutual.
Blake decided that Yang was better off without her, until that night.

Team RWBY and their friends have decided to have a party at a local pub. "Alright! Let's party!", exclaimed Sun.
The group of young friends did the usual thing one would do at a pub, mainly drinking. Blake stood in a corner, being antisocial. "Hey, Blake. You okay?", asked Ruby. "Yeah. Just fine."
Ruby looked at her sister, who was busy having a good time, then back at Blake.
"You know, you could just ask her out." Blake nearly fell over. "Ask her out?! Are you crazy?" Blake rubbed her arm with her hand. "She might decline." "How come?" "Well, for starters, I'm a girl." "And?" "Come on Ruby. I'm girl who's in love with a girl. Most people don't like that. Yang might not like that."
The said blonde girl stumbled to the floor. "What's going on?" "Yang had a little too much to drink", said Jaune. "Hey *hic* Sun. Do like *hic* bananas?", asked the drunk Yang. Sun was not impressed.
"I got her", said Blake. She swung the blonde girl's arm over her shoulder and carried her to a corner. "Awww! Blake cares for me!" Blake placed Yang on a chair. "Hey *hic* don't leave me here! I still wanna see your cute face!" At this comment, Blake blushed. "C-cute?"
"Yeah! It's so cute I wanna kiss it forever and ever and *hic* ever and..." "Jaune was right. You had too much to drink."
Then, the unexpected happened. Yang leaned forward and kissed Blake. On the lips. Passionately.
"I said I wanted to kiss you!", exclaimed Yang with a goofy smile. "Guys are great and all, but they don't compare to this", she said, groping Blake's breasts. "Yang!" "Awww come on! Can you kiss me again? I wanna kiss *hic* you..." Yang then passed out, but not before whispering something only Blake could hear. "I love you."

The party drew to a close as everyone returned to Beacon. Blake was still outside, carrying Yang, until the blonde woke up and threw up down a sewage drain.
"Ugh, crap." Blake looked at her nervously, still remembering what Yang said in her drunken state. The faunus's behavior didn't go unnoticed by Yang. "Okay, what did I do?" "Huh?" "You look like I did something to you. What did I do while I was drunk?"
Blake was nervous. "What should I say?" She sighed and stood up straight. "You... called me cute. And you kissed me."
Yang was a blushing mess. "Crap! This wasn't supposed to happen! Not like this!" "Huh?" "If I knew I was gonna do that, I wouldn't have been drinking!" "Yang, what are you talking about?" Yang looked at the cat girl, and blushed. "Well, I, um, you see, I..." "Forget it", said Blake as she walked away. "I like you!"
Silence. That's what was there. "W-what?" "Blake Belladonna, I like you. I know, I seem like the kind of girl who flirts with guys, but after all the time I've spent with you, I realized that I... was in love with you."
Blake didn't know what was happening, only that she started walking up to Yang. "I get it if you don't like me back." Blake grabbed Yang by her shirt and pulled her into a passionate kiss. Yang, shocked at first, melted into it.
"I like you too", said Blake. They kissed again, then walked back to their school, hands intertwined.

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