Keeping you warm (Nagikae)

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It was a cold winters day, as Nagisa and his wife, Kayano, were walking in the hand in hand.
Nagisa looked over to see his lover, noticing her getting a red nose. "Getting cold?" Kayano smiled and shook her head. "Nothing to worry about, Nagisa."
Nagisa decided to take the initiative and loosen his scarf, wrapping it around Kayano. "N-Nagisa!" "Hey, It's okay. Besides, I'm still wearing it technically."
Kayano pouted at the loophole her husband created, but smiled at his sweet gesture.

For the rest of their walk, the married couple walked while sharing a scarf. The sweet moment sadly had to end as they arrived at their house.
"Welp, home sweet home." Nagisa unlocked the front door. "You know Kayano, there is another way I can keep you warm." Kayano saw the seduction in her husband's eyes, and immediately went red.
Sure, they have seen each other naked multiple times, but Nagisa's bold behavior always caught Kayano by surprise, since he wasn't like this in their years of junior high.

Kayano sat on her bed, hearing the water in bathtub running in the bathroom. Nagisa, using his assassin stealth, snuck up behind his wife and lifted her up bridal style. "Nagisa?!"
"Come on, Kayano. It's time to get warm."
Kayano, a mad blushing mess, entered the bathroom with Nagisa and began undressing.
The man decided to make a bold move and grope Kayano's ass, making her yelp.
"The more I see your body, the more beautiful it is." Kayano turned to face Nagisa. "You are such a charmer." The two shared a kiss.
"Now, how about that bath?"
Nagisa took Kayano's hand and helped her into the tub. The warm water enveloped their bodies with a satisfying sensation. "You were right. This is warm." "I know I'm right." Kayano rolled her eyes at Nagisa's obnoxious response. "Just like how I was right to marry you."
Kayano lowered herself into the water, hoping to hide her blush. "Wow, I really need to keep a record of how much I'm flustering you."
"Sh-shut up."

The two lovers finished bathing and climbed into bed. Kayano wrapped her arms around Nagisa.
"Now it's my turn to keep you warm." Nagisa smiled. "As you wish, honey."
And like that, in a warm embrace, the two lovers slept peacefully.

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