Late night stroll (Huwumi)

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The moon was full and out in the night sky. Two figures were walking down the street. One was a man with spiky blonde hair and wings and the other was a woman with white hair that had red streaks.
"Whoa, careful, Fuyumi", said the man, as the woman's foot nearly slipped of a step. "I'm fine Keigo", said the woman.
Keigo breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Fuyumi's stomach. "Wouldn't want our little man to get hurt." Fuyumi glared at the winged hero. "And my beautiful wife! I don't want you to get hurt either!"
This seemed to satisfy Fuyumi.
The couple continued to walk, until they came across a plain of grass. Keigo looked closer and saw a plant with a green stem and a wooly top. "Look. Dandelions."
Fuyumi walked closer to the dandelions and picked one up. She closed her eyes for a short while, then blew. Keigo looked confused. "I made a wish." "What did you wish for?" "To give birth to a healthy, strong baby boy."
Now Keigo was the one to pick up a dandelion. He closed his eyes for a short while too, then blew. "What did you wish for?" "That our son, and any of our other children to come, to be as beautiful as their mother." Keigo walked closer to Fuyumi and took her hands.
"But not too beautiful." Fuyumi blushed and kissed her husband. "Wait, you said 'our other children'. Do you mean you want more kids?" Keigo became flustered. "Um, well, um..." "Hey, I'm not against it." Keigo looked at his wife's smiling face, and couldn't help but grin as well.
The couple linked hands and continued their late night stroll.

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