Ticklish ears (Bumbleby)

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Blake was looking through her bookshelf, searching for a book to read. She finally found one.
"Blaaaake!", came a call from the living room.
Blake walked out to see her girlfriend Yang lying on the couch. "Yes, Yang?" "Come snuggle with me, pleeeeaaase?"
The cat faunus laughed. "Okay."
She sat down on the blonde's lap, opening her book. Yang wrapped her arms around her lover's waist, and stared at her face. "What?", asked Blake, noticing Yang's gaze. "Your reading face just looks very attractive, is all."
Blake blushed at the comment, making her girlfriend laugh and kiss her cheek.
The two girlfriends continued resting in each other's embrace, satisfied with the warmth of their bodies on each other.
Yang felt like her hands were too still, so she decided to move them. She then noticed Blake's ears, and couldn't help but want to touch them.
Yang raised her hand to the two cat ears, then wriggled her finger behind them. Blake let out a laugh, making her cover her mouth with her hands.
"Did you feel that?" "N-no." Yang made a disbelieving look. She continued to tickle the ear, making Blake let out another laugh. "Oh, so you're ticklish at your ears, hm?"
"Yang, what are you doing?"
The blonde reached for both ears and tickled them, making Blake burst out laughing. "Wait! Stop! Hahahahaha!" Yang continued to tickle the faunus' ears, enjoying the sound of her laughter.
Eventually, she pulled her hands back. "Have I ever told you that you had an amazing laugh?" Blake only smiled, and passionately kissed Yang.
"I'm tired." "Wanna go to bed?" Blake nodded. "Okay. Let's go kitten."

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