Christmas with Amane (Hananene)

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Yashiro Nene was on her way to the Yugi household. Underneath the girl's arm was a present.
She reached her destination. Yashiro placed wrapped up box on the doorstep and knocked on the door. Footsteps could be heard on the other side. The door opened, revealing a black haired boy with amber eyes.
"Hello?" "Hi. You're Amane Yugi, right?" The boy nodded. "Great! C-can I come in?" Amane stood aside and let the girl in. "So, is there a reason you're visiting?" Yashiro sat down on the couch. She marveled at the Christmas tree.
It had beautiful color scheme and had good symmetry.
"Did you do this yourself?" Amane blushed and looked down in embarrassment. "Um, yeah. My parents aren't around much, and my brother is off with his friends, so I didn't have much of a choice." The boy then sat next to Yashiro. "So, back to my previous question: why are you here?"
Yashiro blushed. "I heard you didn't have anyone to celebrate Christmas with, so I thought I'd come invite you to my party at my house."
Amane blushed. "Wait, how did you... oh of course! You're in my class! I'm so sorry I didn't recognize you!" Yashiro felt a little hurt that Amane didn't know her. "But um, thanks for inviting me. You didn't have to." "But I wanted to! No one deserves to be alone on Christmas!"
Amane was shocked. Someone actually cared for him.
"O-okay. When is it?" "Tomorrow. 4pm." "Where do you live." "I'll write down the address. You have any paper and a pen?" "Sure. I'll go get it." Amane left the room to retrieve the necessary tools. Once that was done, Yashiro wrote down her address and gave it to him.
"Oh, and here." Yashiro held out the presents she brought with her. Amane took it and looked at it. "Thanks." "Don't mention it." Yashiro looked at her watch. "I gotta go. See you tomorrow night."
Unexpectedly, the girl kissed Amane on the cheek. Both were blushing madly. Yashiro, without saying a word, rushed out the door.

The night came where Yashiro's Christmas party began.
All her family came over, but she was waiting for Amane. The said boy walked through the door. "Amane! You made it!" "Y-yeah."
Amane began to socialize with the other guests. He at first was very shy, but he started warming up.
He and Yashiro sat on the couch together. "Yashiro..." "Yeah?" "Thank you. For inviting me. This is... this is fun." Yashiro smiled. "Oh, and thank you for the gift too. How did you know I like astrology?"
"Well, I, um, I've seen how happy you get over things related to space, so I thought I'd give you something like that." "So a book about astrology?" "Hey! You said you were thankful for it!" Amane chuckled. "I am. I now get to read about things I didn't even know about the stars. I have you to thank for that."
Yashiro blushed. Then she and Amane heard a few of her relatives giggling. Her face became one of horror upon seeing a mistletoe above her. She became even more shocked when feeling a kiss in her cheek. "A little gift from me to you", said Amane.
Yashiro became so red, she passed out.

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