Saving the sword princess (Bell x Ais)

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Warning! This is a lemon chapter!

Bell was walking around in town, hoping to buy new equipment for quests. That is, until he heard people whispering.
"Did you hear? About Ais Wallenstein?"
"The sword princess? Yeah, what about her?"
"They say she came back from the dungeon with a disease!"
Bell listened to this with shock. Ais? Sick? He had to ask her about it if he ever ran into her.

Ais was returning to her familia after having collected supplies her comrades requested.
"Lady Ais!"
Ais turned her head and saw a white haired boy running towards her. "Is it true? Are you sick?"
Ais sighed, and nodded. "It's called Femina Odus. My familia are trying their best to find a cure." Ais looked at Bell and saw concern in his face.
"Don't worry about me. I've handled worse."
With that, Ais walked off.

Bell sat down by a fountain. He couldn't take Ais's reassurance to heart. He couldn't help but worry.
"Argonaut! How goes it?", called a certain messenger god. "Hey Hermes."
"Why the long face? A white rabbit is supposed to have long ears", joked Hermes. Bell didn't laugh though. "It's Lady Ais."
Hermes then got a serious expression. "Femina Odus. I have heard. You know, I was out traveling once and learned of it. Especially how deadly it is."
Bell's eyes widened. "How deadly?"
"In a week, she will die."
Bell was even more worried. So much, he jumped up and yelled in Hermes's face. "Is there a cure?!"
Hermes staggered back and recovered quickly. "Why yes there is", the messenger god said, with a smug grin.

It was nighttime, and Ais was at the library, searching for a book to read. "Hey, Lady Ais?"
Ais looked to her right and saw Bell. "Can we talk?"
Ais was curious, but nodded. The duo stepped outside. "So? What's the occasion?", asked Ais.
Bell took out a paper and handed it over to the female adventurer.
Ais read the paper. It was about Femina Odus. Ais's eyes widened when she read the part about dying in a week.
"The cure is at the bottom", said Bell, but instead of sounding excited, he scratched his cheek while blushing.
Ais read that and her eyes widened even more. "Sexual intercourse?"
Bell, nodded quickly while his eyes were shut tight and his face was red.
Ais then gained a calm expression and grabbed Bell's hand, dragging him along with her.

The duo eventually arrived at the Loki familia's hall. "My comrades are out, so it's just the two of us."
Bell's face became red once again. He and the sword princess walked into the entrance and up to her room. "Lady Ais, are you sure about this?"
Ais nodded. She reached for his belt, but was stopped by his hand. "This doesn't feel right."
Ais looked at Bell in confusion.
"We aren't even real lovers. This won't feel right. Which is why I have to tell you this."
He stood up. "Lady Ais. I... I... I'm in love with you."
Ais's eyes went wide.
"Ever since you first saved me, all I've ever wanted was to get stronger, just so you'd notice me. But I know you'd never love a weakling."
Bell sat on the bed and lowered his head. He suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up to see the hand belonged to Ais.
"You are not a weakling. In fact, you are quite the opposite. But if you still believe you're weak, then I will be as well, by showing you my feelings."
Bell was confused, until he felt a pair of lips touch his. Ais pulled back.
"I admire your bravery, I admire your selflessness, and I always thought you were... cute."
Bell could've sworn he saw Ais blush.
"This is why I wish to do this with you, Bell Cranell. Because I trust you. Because I love you."
Now it was Bell's turn to kiss Ais, except she kissed back.
"You really trust me?", asked Bell.
"More than anything", answered Ais.

Lemon Time

Bell and Ais started with a passionate kiss.
Bell's tongue began fighting Ais's. While they were doing this, Bell groped Ais's breasts, massaging them. This caused Ais to let out a small moan.
The couple pulled away from each other, and Ais immediately removed Bell's shirt. She marveled at his toned torso. She never expected someone like Bell to be so well built.
The sword princess moved to her lover's neck and sucked on the skin.
Meanwhile Bell moved Ais's shirt up a bit, signifying he wants to remove it. Ais backed away and allowed him to do what he wanted.
Bell removed her shirt, leaving her in her bra, which she took off, exposing her breasts.
Bell pushed his lover down then leaned in and kissed Ais passionately, then moved down to her collarbone, then to her breasts. He sucked hard on the right breast while massaging the other.
Ais bit her bottom lip to hold in her moans. Bell looked up and noticed this. He found it cute.
The white haired boy then moved his head to her's and kissed her again, while the hand he used to massage her breast moved into her dress, then stroked her clit. Ais moaned in between the kisses she was receiving.
She looked down and saw a bulge in Bell's pants. She grabbed it and recieved a groan from the boy. "Is this a penis?"
"Mhm", was all Bell could say. "Could I see it?"
Bell pulled down his pants, and his penis popped out.
Ais wrapped her fingers around it, and stroked the shaft. Bell groaned with pleasure.
Ais noticed some precum leaking out at the tip of Bell's penis. She leaned her face closer and licked it. The more she stroked the Bell's penis, the more drops of semen leaked out.
The pleasure he was receiving made Bell push his lover's head into his manhood, causing it to slip into her mouth.
"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to...", Bell went silent when Ais started sucking. Her head bobbed up and down, sending Bell into pure bliss.
"Ais, I'm gonna..." Bell couldn't finish his sentence as his hot load sprayed down Ais's throat.
Ais removed her mouth from Bell's penis and looked at him. "It doesn't taste so bad." She looked down at his still hard dick. "So... how about we get rid of this disease."
Bell nodded his head. He pushed Ais back onto the bed, pulled down her dress along with her panties, spread her legs then inserted his penis into Ais's virgin womanhood.
She closed her eyes and moaned in pain, causing Bell to look at her with worry. "Does it hurt?" Ais opened her eyes. "A little bit, yes. Just move slowly."
Bell did as he was told, and moved in and out slowly, picking up the pace as he went. A few seconds later he began ramming into her. Ais's pain became pleasure, as she moaned. Blood leaked out of her vagina, symbolizing she has lost her virginity.
"Ais..." The said girl looked at the boy's expression and could already tell what he was going to say. "It's alright. Go ahead."
Bell rammed in one last time, and released his seed. He pulled out, and fell next to his lover.

Lemon end

"Now all we do is wait", said Bell. "I should probably head back to my familia."
"Stay", said Ais, placing her hand on Bell's chest. "You can sleep here for the night. I'll go with you to your familia to explain what happened."
Bell smiled and wrapped his arms around the sword princess. "Good night Ais." "Good night Bell."
And just like that, the couple fell asleep in each other's embrace.

A week has passed and Ais has shown to be perfectly healthy. It appeared that Bell really did cure her. Speaking of the boy, his relationship with Ais became well known, with slight complications. Other than that, they are happy together.

Boy, that was long. First long one shot in this book. I'll try to make another long one shot in the future. But in the meantime, don't forget to stay cool, awesome, and most importantly, endertastic, so for now, byyyeee!

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