Christmas hair (Lelouch x CC)

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Since the holidays are coming up, why not start making Christmas one shots, right?

CC was sleeping peacefully on her bed. Lelouch walked into the room with a box of Christmas decorations in his arms. "CC! Come help us..." He went silent after seeing the green haired girl sleeping soundly.
Lelouch looked at the box in his arms and smiled mischievously. He creeped towards CC and sat down next to her. He took out an ornament from the box and placed it in he hair.
The young man tried his best not to laugh loudly. He took out another ornament, and placed it in her hair as well. And so it went on.

CC's eyes slowly open. She yawned and began to rise up. She heard a jingle sound, and noticed something in her hair.
She walked to her mirror and saw the ornaments in her hair.
"Would you look at that." CC turned to see Lelouch standing at the door. "A human Christmas tree." CC pouted. "You're such a child." "But you love it."
The green haired girl smiled and walked over to Lelouch, giving him a gentle kiss on the cheek.
"Now that you're awake, why don't we go set up the real Christmas tree." CC nodded. "Sounds like a plan." Then it hit her.
"Does that mean I have to remove these?" She pointed to her hair, specifically the ornaments.
"Unfortunately yes." "Unfortunately?" "What? You look cute this way."
CC rolled her eyes. "Watch your back, Lelouch. I will get my revenge." Lelouch smiled smugly. "Can't wait, Christmas hair."

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