*Drivers License - Asami

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A year ago today, I published this short story.

Despite being towards the middle of the book, this was the first chapter I posted.  I just wanted to thank you for your massive support throughout this year. I understand my writing is not the best, so I appreciate the many reads, votes, and comments despite this. Once again, thank you for bringing me to over 90K reads.

*The story's based on drivers license by Olivia Rodrigo*

Asami Sato.

She simultaneously stole and broke my heart.

A perfect angel who walked into my life and shaped me to become a changed woman.

I cannot tell you whether the change occurred for the better or worse.

Asami promised me forever, only to shit all over her vow.

I know nothing lasts forever.

I was just naive enough to believe her at the time, doe-eyed and eager for true love.

I allowed myself to trust her tender words and fall for her mindless kisses.

My friends even warned me of dating a woman much older than me, despite her aid in saving the world and Republic City. My best friend Opal voiced her concern the most often. Opal and I met in grade school when I lived in Zoafu and instantly became besties. During our freshman year in high school, my parents moved to Republic City. Though, we ended up finding each other again when Opal came to Republic City to learn in the way of the Airbenders.

Despite our reconnection, we're not on talking terms as of late. To make matters worse, my parents spend most of their time cooing over my baby sister that I feel way too guilty about taking up their time to talk about a girl they warned me of.

Asami was my first long-term relationship.

We met at Korra park.

I was sitting on a bench in front of the statue of Avatar Korra. I trapped a pencil between my pointer, middle, and thumb and settled a notebook in my lap.

The sun shone brightly and shimmered against the stone-carved mimic of Avatar Korra. Unbeknownst to me, Asami, a friend of Korra, loomed over me.

She commented positively on my drawing and asked to sit beside me. She startled me, but, of course, I allowed her to sit. It's not every day people get to speak to Business Woman, Asami Sato, one-on-one. She wound me in with her kind smile, calm voice, and educated manner. She seemed like a genuinely polite and warm-hearted woman. Somehow she found me worthy of her time and coaxed me into buying coffee with her. Coffee turned to a night around the city, which turned to an official date.

She never minded our age gap. At the time, I was eighteen, and she was twenty-one. Not too concerning, but odd. Plus, I turned nineteen a week after meeting her.

For our first date, she planned to show me her race track. I told her I felt uncomfortable doing something fancy, so she settled for this. She wanted to take me for a spin and possibly even let me drive. She thought it would break the ice, and it did. I didn't have my license yet, though. Despite recently turning nineteen, I never got my permit. So, she ended up taking me for a drive around the track and offered to take me to the go-kart track. We spent the first half of the date racing each other in there, which sparked the conversation of me getting my permit and license.

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