Monster - Kuvira

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Soft fingers feather across my face, the delicate touch trails down from my jaw to my neck and back up again. The feeling of her skin against my cheek instead of the usual cloth material comes off as foreign. Yet, the gentle divots in each of her fingertips wrap me in familiar warmth.

As breathtaking as this feels, resentment still creeps up from its settled place in my stomach. The disgust climbs up my esophagus as I turn away from Kuvira on the bed. Now faced towards the wall, I feel her creep closer to me.

"Don't be like that." She whines uncharacteristically.

"You know I hate when you touch me," I remind her in a brief tone.

She recoils before tentatively reaching a hand out towards my back. Luckily, she draws the appendage back and rests it at her side.

"You used to love when I held you. Sometimes you would even beg.", the older woman recalls.

I sit up from the bed, slipping off the side and standing on my feet. Anger settles at my stomach again.

"That was before you cheated on me with Baatar. He should be the one trapped in this prison with you! I never had any part in your rule. You lied the whole time! You weren't helping people at all!" I belt, walking away from the bed and towards the corner of the room.

My body sinks to the floor, curling my knees to my chest.

This is fucking torture. I have to spend the rest of our sentence in the same freaking cell as her. We're not even engaged anymore. I broke the ring she proposed with.

Kuvira decides to not respond. Instead, she opts to quietly make herself comfortable on the shared bed.

After minutes she sighs, "You can't stay there forever. Come on, lay down already."

I ignore her, though.

"Fuck off."

She snickers at the comment but says nothing else.


I wrap my arms around my friend, sobbing into his chest. Bolin sighs while rubbing at my back softly.

"I'll talk to Korra about this when she comes back from the spirit world. Plus, I already talked to the Chief about this. She's totally on board." He explains.

The circular patterns calm me down a bit.

"I don't think I can last another day with her, Bo. It hurts too much, and she keeps on trying to hold me."

He lets me rant to him, holding me as close as possible with my hands tied behind my back.

"I'll get you out of here. You don't deserve this." The slightly younger boy repeats.


"I said I was sorry! Why won't you just forgive
me!" She shouts at me.

My body shakes uncontrollably under her powerful stance. I forgot how much power she possessed.

She sighs from in front of me, backing up to give me some space.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I'm just frustrated. You won't even talk to me anymore. I know what I did was wrong. Why can't you just except that?" She questions while taking a seat on our bed.

"Because it still hurts. I can't even look at you without imagining you with that man. I get disgusted just by looking at you. You lied to me. You told me that you didn't want me there because you were afraid I'd get hurt. You only wanted me gone so you could shove his dick down your throat." I mumble in a bitter tone.

Her hands lift to her face, covering her eyes. Still, on the ground, I walk back to my corner. I want to stay as far away from her as possible.

"At first, it was true, but after? Not so much. I made a mistake. Baatar was just a plaything. I never loved him, I-" I cut the older woman off.

"You still cheated, you ass-wipe! Sex is still cheating regardless of whether feelings are involved or not! Was I your plaything too! Just needed me to fulfill your need for a slut!" I cry.

She immediately stands from the bed and walks over to me. Her hand reaches for my wrist, pulling me up with ease and tugging me to her body. She wraps her arms around me and hugs me close.

"Never. You were never a plaything or a slut. I loved you. I love you so much, and I cherished every moment with you. It wasn't just sex, but that was great too." She rants as she holds me to her chest.

Too tired to fight her, I let her hold me. Her strong arms wrapped around my waist, holding me securely.

She brings us to the bed, sitting me down in her lap. The earth bender rocks me back and forth as I cry into her shoulder.

"I hate you."

I feel her deflate for a second, disheartened by my words. Instead of pulling away, she hugs me tighter.

"I don't care. I'll do whatever it takes to make you love me again," Kuvira confesses.

"You're a monster."

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