Buggin'- Korra/Asami

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Warning: Mentions of underage drinking.
I had no idea where I was going with this one, so it may not make the most sense.

Warm lips press against my cheek tenderly. A small smile curls over my lips as my body sinks into the bed subconsciously. My eyes flutter open abruptly after a few seconds, sitting up in the bed as dread pools over my body.

I glance down at my nude figure just as a familiar timbre calls out to me.

"What's your hurry?" The smooth voice questions.

My jaw drops, turning my head to the side hesitantly. With hands behind her head, Avatar Korra smirks up at me, drinking in my body. Bites and bruises cover the skin on her bare chest.

I wrap her blanket around, climbing off of the bed quickly. In a hurrying to find my clothes, I search through the messy pile of clothes on the floor. Following the trail of clothes, I'm lead to more clothing lazily thrown upon furniture.

"Hey. Where are you going?" She questions while climbing off the bed.

Pulling my shirt over my head and gliding my pants up to my legs, I mumble sourly.


A large hand wraps around my wrist, whipping me back around to face Korra. She tugs me closer to her half-dressed body.

"Don't go."

I back away from her towering figure, "I-No. I have to go."

I always take caution when with the older girl. Don't get me wrong, she's exceptional and has achieved a lot of good. Though, at some moments, I question if she's even human. She's the avatar, so I suppose it makes sense, but that doesn't make her any less frightening.

"Please," She attempts again while stepping towards me.

Her forward motion forces me backward as I try to keep away from her.

"Please don't go. Stay here, please?" Korra asks again. Her desperation's evident in her shaky tone.

Her tone shocks me. To see a girl who carries herself so confidently and independently practically begging me is alarming. Due to this rarity, I nod up at her anxiously.

A kind smile curls at her lips, pulling me towards her. She wraps her arms around me and holds me close to her chest. My body rests against her loosely, allowing myself to fall limp as she holds up my weight.

This isn't that bad if you can subtract the fact that she smells like a wet dog.

Korra buries her face into my neck before taking a deep breath in and sighing afterward. She grips at my back tightly, losing herself in the embrace. Uncomfortable with the blatant show of affection, I place a hand on her shoulder, trying to push her away.

"Why are you moving away from me?" She mumbles against my neck.

"I- have to go home. My moms are probably worried. And uh- aren't you and Asami together? I should probably get going if-" I stumble over my words while keeping my head faced down.

Her lips press against mine, her hands gripping at my waist lovingly, "Don't worry about that. Asami knows. She was with us the whole night, remember?"

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