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This one's super long, but it has some weird twists to it. Enjoy!

"Mai doesn't love you." Princess Azula taunts as we spare together, throwing a blast of her powerful blue flames in my direction.

I doge her fire, rolling off the floor with a smirk, "Then Ty Lee doesn't love you either. I've seen her hanging out with a lot of guys."

She growls, running after me with a calculated strike. I quickly dodge the attack, backing up.

"If Zuko were ever to return, she would drop you in a matter of seconds." Azula manipulates.

Her words don't bother me, though. Everything she says is true. I've come to accept that I'm just a plaything.

"Stop it, you two! You're gonna kill each other!" The young acrobatic calls out to us.

I lower my fists before sinking into a respectful bow. My majesty smirks at my position, taking pleasure in my loyalty and respect.

"Lower." She demands.

I sigh, bowing closer to the ground. Azula allows me to stand back up after a few minutes. She had this shit-eating grin spread across her face the whole I was bowed over.

I glance around the training room self-consciously, locking eyes with Mai. She pushes herself off the wall, uncrossing her arms to seem more approachable. This is her silent way of inviting me over, so I tiptoe to her cautiously.

"What did you two even say to each other?" She questions in a dry timbre.

"It's not important,"  I admit calmly.

"It truly is pathetic to see you follow her around. You know she doesn't care about you," Azula's words linger in my mind.

Sometimes it's hard to shake off her words, though I know she truly means no harm. She just says some pretty messed-up things, but she always apologizes for it later. Maybe not directly, but I can tell by her actions.

Mai shrugs carelessly, "Wanna go grab something to eat?"

I hum in agreement, "Sure, I'm tired of watching them make out."

We both glance over at Azula and Ty Lee, who are lip-locked, their hands groping each other's bodies. We nod silently at one another before heading out of the training arena. The two of us stroll side by side on the walkway leading back into the palace.

"Okay, so what really happened?" She deadpans.

I cock my head to the side before turning to face her, "What do you mean?"

"Azula said something to you, and I could physically see you recoil in pain." She points out.

Mai's quiet yet observant. It's one of the many things I adore about her.

"You know the usual, your mom never loved you, and your dad left because he knew you were ugly." I lie casually.

She responds, "Oh." 

Shrugging off the loaded topic, I confidently reach out to grab her hand. She allows me to lace our fingers together as we walk. It doesn't take long to get to the kitchen, five minutes at most. Within a few seconds, we're stepping up to the kitchen doors.

"What do you want to eat?" I question.

She hums, "I'll eat whatever."

I snag a different variety of snacks before continuing our walk to the courtyard. Mai settles onto the outside dining table as I follow after her. We unwrap the bags of food, setting them out on the table carefully before digging in.

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