A Love Letter To You 3 - Zhu Li

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Warning: Rejection
I don't know what this is, but I hope you enjoy it.

"Stupid therapist. Stupid Letter." The troubled girl mutters to herself.

Aina taps on her bedroom desk with the back of her pen. Sighing loudly, she leans back in her chair. The pen drops to the desk, clattering around as she runs a hand over her hair.

After meeting with her therapist about her growing feelings for someone she shouldn't like, the professional suggested writing a letter as if it were to be sent to Ms. Moon. The process supposedly helps with getting over such feelings. Writing the letter acts as a confession and also a rejection.

The young woman swirls around in her chair, distracting herself from the task at hand.

"Aina! Stop twirling around in your chair and write your letter!" Her older sister, Asami, calls out from her first-floor office.

The 19-year-old groans, pausing her swiveling. She takes in a deep breath of air to gain focus back on the blank-lined paper in front of her. How do you tell the woman working under the man who helped keep your family business running that you're borderline in love with them?

Luckily, she won't have to confess.

She picks up her favorite pen. The one Asami gave her for her birthday. Since her 18th birthday, Aina began helping Asami run their company. The two work together a lot, but Asami usually takes up more work as she knows more about their business and engineering. Those skills come with experience, though.

The young woman writes the heading for her letter for the third time today. She draws her hand back to admire her neat handwriting.

"Perfect." She mummers to herself.

With the boost of confidence, Aina goes straight to work. She glides the tip of the pen across the smooth paper flawlessly. After writing the same letter twice, Aina knows what she wants to say and how to say it. Her hand moves frantically, struggling to catch up with all she wants to say. Like her big sister, her mind runs a mile per minute.

Her tongue pokes out between her lips as she finishes her last few words. She signs the letter off, leaving a 'xoxo' for the final touch.

Taking the paper in her hands, she lifts it in front of her face and reads it to herself. Her letters got a bit sloppy near the middle, but other than that, she finds herself content with her work.

"Good enough." Aina nods to herself.

She folds the letter up into fours. Satisfied with her folds, she lazily throws the paper on her desk and leans back in her chair.

"Aina! Come down here! We have a visitor!" Her big sister calls out.

The young woman rolls her eyes before yelling back, "Korra is not a visitor!"

Regardless of that fact, she rushes down to the first floor. She jumps up from her seat, breaks past her door, slides down the railing to her stairs, and lands directly beside her sister. Winded by the sudden burst of energy, she rests her hands on her knees and heaves performatively.

"You should work out more, kid. Ya know, Varrick Industries owns multiple gyms in the city. I could get you a free membership at the finest one?" The businessman offers.

Aina's eyes widen at the sound of his voice, jerking her head up fearfully to meet his gaze. Her cheeks flush, finding herself standing directly in front of her crush. She straightens her posture, coughing awkwardly into her fist at the revaluation.

"I'm so sorry. I thought it was Korra at the door. Asami always makes me greet her." The youngest of the group apologizes, bowing her head to her higher-ups.

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