*Damn- Mai or Azula

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Soft kisses on the sides of my face force me from my sleep. I groan softly before fluttering my eyes open. Mai leans over me, resting her arm beside my head for support. I reach my hand up above me, placing an adoring hand on her left cheek. I lift my head up to give her a soft kiss, earning me a subtle curl at the corner of her lips. I love it when she smiles. It just adds to the beauty she already has.

"You are so beautiful,"  I whisper to her in complete awe.

A red hue spreads across her cheeks while I grin at her embarrassment, finding it so adorable.

"You're just saying that."

Her moody voice is something else, and if you add the huskiness from just waking up, it's just a whole new level of admiration.

I groan at the excited churning rumbling at the pit of my stomach.

"You are incredibly gorgeous, Mai. I love every little thing about you," I convince.

She pecks my lips, trying to hide the beautiful smile spreading across her lips. I grab her by her hips, pushing them downwards so that she's sitting on my lap. I sit myself up while leaning against our headboard.

"Even my sarcastic humor?" She questions playfully.

I chuckle while adding, "Yes, definitely your sarcastic humor!"

I rub my thumbs over her clothed hips while she hovers her face above me.

"Good,"  Mai comments before cuddling up to me.

She had to slide her body down to comfortably lay on top of me due to our slight height difference. 

I wrap my arms over her back, "Please don't tell me you have to go spend time with Zuko again?"

She sighs before burying her face in my breasts, "I hate being with him. Since we were younger, we've been paired together- I just wanna be with you."

I kiss the top of her head adoringly, "I know, baby, but soon it will all be over."

Mai whines, "At least Zuko knows how to keep his hands off me, Azula on the other loves to touch you whenever she can."

Mai and I are both arranged to marry the royal siblings. Azula knows we will end up together no matter what, so she has basically claimed me as hers. When Mai found out about how she 'marked' me, she was absolutely furious.

I pout at her words of truth, "Last time she tried to tie me to the bed, that girl is fucking kinky."

Mai scoffs while sitting up on my lap again. She grabs my hands, forcing me to lay down.

"I can be kinky too." She offers.

I grin up at her, resting my hands around her waist.

"I love when you get possessive."

She groans at my words before leaning down to kiss me. I trail my hands up from under her shirt and beneath her bra. She gasps, kissing down the side of my face to my neck.


Azula forces me into a cradle so that I'm tucked under her chin. My back is pressed against her front, and her arms are wrapped around my waist. She releases steam from her nose, letting it fall over my face, claiming me like the dragons used to do to one another. She does this every day I spend with her. Apparently, it keeps her scent on me.

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